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 | Alan Moore présente DC Comics |
 | Pour celui qui a déjà tout..., For The Man Who Has Everything... (Superman Annual #11) [Récit complet], Gibbons Dave (DE), Ziuko Tom (C) |  | Aux frontières de la jungle, Superman and Swamp Thing: The Jungle Line (DC Comics Presents #85) [Récit complet], Veitch Rick (D), Williamson Al (E), Wood Tatjana (C) |  | Les derniers jours de Superman, 1ère partie, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? (Superman #423) [Récit à Suivre - Début], Swan Curt (D), Perez George (E), D'Angelo Gene (C) |  | Les derniers jours de Superman, 2ème partie, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? (Action Comics #583) [Récit à Suivre - Fin], Swan Curt (D), Anderson Murphy (E), Schaffenberger Kurt (E), D'Angelo Gene (C) |  | Mogo n'est pas sociable, Green Lantern (Green Lantern (v.II) #188) [Récit complet], Gibbons Dave (DE), Tollin Anthony (C) |  | Tygres, The Green Lantern Corps Annual (The Green Lantern Corps Annual #2) [Récit complet], O'Neill Kevin (DE), Tollin Anthony (C) |  | Dans la nuit noire, The Green Lantern Corps Annual (The Green Lantern Corps Annual #3) [Récit complet], Willingham Bill (D), Austin Terry (E), D'Angelo Gene (C) |  | Vies brèves, The Omega Men (The Omega Men #26) [Récit complet], O'Neill Kevin (DE), Gafford Carl (C) |  | Un monde d'hommes, The Omega Men (The Omega Men #27) [Récit complet], Cullins Paris (D), Magyar Rick (E), Gafford Carl (C) |  | Pas à pas, The Phantom Stranger (Secret Origins (v.III) #10) [Récit complet], Orlando Joe (DEC) |  | La nuit des Olympiades, 1ère partie, Detective Comics (Detective Comics #549) [Récit à Suivre - Début], Janson Klaus (DEC) |  | La nuit des Olympiades, 2ème partie, Detective Comics (Detective Comics #550) [Récit à Suivre - Fin], Janson Klaus (DEC) |  | Fêtes des pères, 1ère partie, Father's Day! (Vigilante #17) [Récit à Suivre - Début], Baikie Jim (DE), Wood Tatjana (C) |  | Fêtes des pères, 2ème partie, Father's Day! (Vigilante #18) [Récit à Suivre - Fin], Baikie Jim (DE), Wood Tatjana (C) |  | Noces d'argile (Mortal Clay), Villains In Love! (Batman Annual #11) [Récit complet], Freeman George (DE), Kindzierski Lovern (C) | - | Twilight of the Superheroes, [Nouvelle] | Autre(s) publication(s): For The Man Who Has Everything... (Superman Annual #11) | | Superman and Swamp Thing: The Jungle Line (DC Comics Presents #85) | | Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? (Superman #423) | | Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? (Action Comics #583) | | Green Lantern (Green Lantern (v.II) #188) | | The Green Lantern Corps Annual (The Green Lantern Corps Annual #2) | | The Green Lantern Corps Annual (The Green Lantern Corps Annual #3) | | Detective Comics (Detective Comics #549) | | Detective Comics (Detective Comics #550) | | Villains In Love! (Batman Annual #11) | |
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