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Les Bulles d'Or
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bordure Chroniques

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Ploog Mike
sc�nariste, dessinateur, encreur
n�(e) en 1942

sur bulledair.com : [12 albums] [1 collectif] [13 p�riodiques] [50 en vo]

l�gende : S : Sc�nariste D : Dessinateur E : Encreur

ann�etitres�rie, # volumebullenote
2011The Spirit (DE) First Wave : The Spirit #9-
2009The Celtic Stone (DS) The Spirit #32-
The Celtic Stone (DS) The Spirit #31-
2008The Medical Murders (D) The Spirit #14-
2006The Goon - Noir (DE) The Goon - Noir #1-
1986The Were-Men of Lord Raven (D) Marvel Fanfare #24-
1978The Savage Sword of Conan (DE) The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian #34-
1977The Lord of Tyndall's Quest (D) Marvel Premiere #38-
1976Marvel Super Action (DE) -
Marvel Preview Presents The Legion of Monsters (DE) Marvel Preview #8-
Planet of the Apes (D) Planet Of The Apes #19-
1975Iron Man: D.O.A. (E) Avengers #136-
Incident in Argos! (ED) Conan the Barbarian #57-
Ghost Rider (DE) Ghost Rider (v.I) #10-
Planet of the Apes (DE) Planet Of The Apes #14-
Planet of the Apes (DE) Planet Of The Apes #13-
Planet of the Apes (DE) Planet Of The Apes #11-
Planet of the Apes (DE) Planet Of The Apes #8-
Planet of the Apes (DE) Planet Of The Apes #6-
Planet of the Apes (D) Planet Of The Apes #4-
1974Dance To The Murder (D) Man-Thing (v.I) #11-
Nobody Dies Forever (DS) Man-Thing (v.I) #10-
Deathwatch! (D) Man-Thing (v.I) #9-
The Gift of Death! (DE) Man-Thing (v.I) #8-
The Old Die Young! (DE) Man-Thing (v.I) #7-
And When I Died...! (D) Man-Thing (v.I) #6-
Night of the Laughing Dead (D) Man-Thing (v.I) #5-
Planet of the Apes (D) Planet Of The Apes #3-
Planet of the Apes (DE) Planet Of The Apes #2-
Planet of the Apes (DE) Planet Of The Apes #1-
Death in the Cathedral (D) Werewolf by Night #16-
Death of a Monster! (D) Werewolf by Night #15-
Lo, The Monster Strikes (D) Werewolf by Night #14-
His Name is Taboo (D) Werewolf by Night #13-
1973Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (DE) Frankenstein #1-
The Hordes of Hell (D) Marvel Spotlight #8-
Ritual of Blood (D) Werewolf by Night #7-
Carnival of Fear (D) Werewolf by Night #6-
A Life for a Death (DE) Werewolf by Night #5-
The Danger Game (D) Werewolf by Night #4-
The Mystery of the Mad Monk (D) Werewolf by Night #3-
1972Iron Man: D.O.A. (E) Amazing Adventures (v.II) #12-
Die, Die, My Daughter (D) Marvel Spotlight #7-
Angels from Hell (D) Marvel Spotlight #6-
Ghost Rider (DE) Marvel Spotlight #5-
Island of the Damned! (DE) Marvel Spotlight #4-
The Thing in the Cellar! (DE) Marvel Spotlight #3-
Werewolf By Night (DE) Marvel Spotlight #2-
The Hunter and the Hunted (D) Werewolf by Night #2-
Eye of the Beholder (D) Werewolf by Night #1-
coin bordure coin