- | (Thor #246) [Couverture], Buckler Rich (D) | | The fury of the Firelord! (Thor #246) [Récit complet], Wolfman Marv (S), Wein Len (S), Buscema John (D), Sinnott Joe (E), Oliver-Wein Glynis (C) | | The flame and the hammer! (Thor #247) [Récit complet], Wein Len (S), Wolfman Marv (S), Buscema John (D), Sinnott Joe (E), Oliver-Wein Glynis (C) | | There shall come... revolution! (Thor #248) [Récit complet], Wein Len (S), Wolfman Marv (S), Buscema John (D), DeZuniga Tony (E), Oliver-Wein Glynis (C) | | Tales of Asgard: The Mystic Mountain Tale : To the death!, 10ème partie, And, soon shall come: the Enchanters! (Thor #143) [Récit à suivre], Lee Stan (S), Kirby Jack (D), Everett Bill (E) | | Tales of Asgard: The Mystic Mountain Tale : The beginning of the end!, 11ème partie, This battleground Earth! (Thor #144) [Récit à suivre], Lee Stan (S), Kirby Jack (D), Colletta Vince (E) | D : Dessin S : Scénario E : Encreur Autre(s) publication(s): The fury of the Firelord! (Thor #246) | | The flame and the hammer! (Thor #247) | | There shall come... revolution! (Thor #248) | |