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coin bordure coin
bordure BullActu

Les Annexes de Bulledair
coin bordure coin

coin bordure coin
bordure Chroniques

par rohagus

par crepp
coin bordure coin

coin bordure coin
bordure Planche
coin bordure coin

coin bordure coin

Raicht Mike

sur bulledair.com : [11 albums] [3 p�riodiques] [24 en vo]

l�gende : S : Sc�nariste

ann�etitres�rie, # volumebullenote
2014Wild Blue Yonder (S) Wild Blue Yonder #6-
Wild Blue Yonder (S) Wild Blue Yonder #5-
Wild Blue Yonder (S) Wild Blue Yonder #4-
2013Batman Incorporated Special (S) Batman Incorporated (v.II) hors s�rie #1-
Batman Incorporated Special (S) Batman Incorporated Special (v.II) #1-
Wild Blue Yonder (S) Wild Blue Yonder #3-
Wild Blue Yonder (S) Wild Blue Yonder #2-
Wild Blue Yonder (S) Wild Blue Yonder #1-
2011The Abomination! (S) Marvel Adventures : Super Heroes (v.II) #12-
2010What If? World War Hulk (S) -
Superman 80-page Giant (S) -
2008Exiles : Days of Then and Now (S) -
2007Prey : Origin of the Species (S) -
Dead Men Running (S) Zombie #4-
Left For Dead (S) Zombie #3-
2006The Rest Stop Gang (S) Zombie #2-
The Getaway (S) Zombie #1-
2005Secret War : From the Files of Nick Fury (S) -
The Abomination (S) Marvel Age Hulk #4-
Big Green Men (S) Marvel Age Hulk #3-
X-Men Unlimited (V.II) (S) X-Men Unlimited (V.II) #7-
2004Cowboys and Robots (S) Marvel Age Hulk #2-
Bugs (S) Marvel Age Hulk #1-
X-Men Unlimited (V.II) (S) X-Men Unlimited (V.II) #3-
coin bordure coin