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Cebulski C.B.

sur bulledair.com : [7 albums] [1 collectif] [10 p�riodiques] [67 en vo]

l�gende : S : Sc�nariste

ann�etitres�rie, # volumebullenote
2015Free Comic Book Day 2015 : Secret Wars (S) Secret Wars (v.III) #0-
2010Nation X (S) Nation X #2-
Wolverine (S) Wolverine Special #900-
2009What If? Fallen Son (S) -
What If? House of M (S) -
What If? Secret Wars (S) -
What If? Spider-Man: Back in Black (S) -
What If? Newer Fantastic Four (S) -
Astonishing Tales (S) Astonishing Tales (v.II) #6-
Astonishing Tales (S) Astonishing Tales (v.II) #5-
Astonishing Tales (S) Astonishing Tales (v.II) #4-
Astonishing Tales (S) Astonishing Tales (v.II) #3-
Astonishing Tales (S) Astonishing Tales (v.II) #2-
Astonishing Tales (S) Astonishing Tales (v.II) #1-
Avengers Fairy Tales (S) Avengers Fairy Tales #4-
Strange Tales (S) Strange Tales (v.V) #1-
War of Kings : Darkhawk (S) War of Kings : Darkhawk #2-
War of Kings : Darkhawk : Haunted (S) War of Kings : Darkhawk #1-
Soul's End (S) X-Infernus #4-
What You Wish For (S) X-Infernus #3-
The Mortal Coil (S) X-Infernus #2-
Soul Survivors (S) X-Infernus #1-
Manifest Destiny (S) X-Men : Manifest Destiny #4-
2008Giant Size Avengers (S) -
Marvel Holiday Special 2007 (S) -
Avengers Fairy Tales (S) Avengers Fairy Tales #3-
Created equal (S) Avengers Fairy Tales #2-
Once Upon a Time... (S) Avengers Fairy Tales #1-
Drain (S) Drain #6-
Sister Grimm (S) Mystic Arcana #4-
Double Identities (S) The Loners #6-
X-Men : Divided We Stand (S) X-Men : Divided We Stand #2-
Manifest Destiny (S) X-Men : Manifest Destiny #1-
2007Runaways Saga (S) -
Spider-Man Family featuring Spider-Clan (S) -
Legion of Monsters : Morbius the Living Vampire (S) -
The Ultimates Saga : Truer words... (S) -
Drain (S) Drain #5-
Drain (S) Drain #4-
Drain (S) Drain #3-
Drain (S) Drain #2-
Tales of the Fear Agent: Twelve Steps in One (S) Fear Agent #16
What You Wish For (S) Spider-Man Fairy Tales #4-
Eclipse (S) Spider-Man Fairy Tales #3-
The Spirits of Friendship (S) Spider-Man Fairy Tales #2-
Off the Beaten Oath (S) Spider-Man Fairy Tales #1-
Chinks in the Armor (S) The Loners #5-
What You Don't Know... (S) The Loners #4-
What Lies Beneath (S) The Loners #3-
Reflex Actions (S) The Loners #2-
Fear of Flying (S) The Loners #1-
2006I ♥ Marvel : Marvel Ai (S) -
Decades (S) Drain #1-
Finale : Assuming Control (S) New Mangaverse #5-
The Rings of Fate : Rainsing The Flag (S) New Mangaverse #4-
The Rings of Fate : Moths To The Flame (S) New Mangaverse #3-
The Rings of Fate : Trial By Fire (S) New Mangaverse #2-
The Rings of Fate : Blow By Blow (S) New Mangaverse #1-
Spider-Man Unlimited (V.III) (S) Spider-Man Unlimited (V.III) #14-
D.P.7 : The Dead Plains Seven (S) Untold Tales of the New Universe #4-
Restless Souls (S) X-Men Fairy Tales #4-
To Die in Dreams (S) X-Men Fairy Tales #3-
The Friendship of the Tortoise and the Eagle (S) X-Men Fairy Tales #2-
The Peach Boy (S) X-Men Fairy Tales #1-
X-Men Unlimited (V.II) (S) X-Men Unlimited (V.II) #14-
2002Marvel mangaverse : X-Men (S) -
Star Wars - Tales (S) Star Wars - Tales #12-
coin bordure coin