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© Marvel (US)

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[VO] Blade Versus The Avengers (4ème partie)
ScénarioMillar Mark
DessinDillon Steve
EncreurLanning Andy
CouleursHollingsworth Matt | Wilson Matt
CouvertureLand Greg | D'Armata Frank
Date24 janvier 2011
EditeurMarvel (US)
SérieUltimate Avengers (v.III), numéro 4
autres tomes1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

The Avengers behold a new menace: Vampire X! With Cap bitten, the super-soldier is turning into a super-vampire and the stakes are even higher. Blade finally reveals Vampire X�s true intentions, but can the heroes stop this mysterious enemy- - or are they one bite closer to an eternity of immortal behavior? MARK MILLAR (KICK-ASS) and STEVE DILLON (PUNISHERMAX) tell a vampirific tale you won�t be able to put down!

Publications en VF:

dans Ultimate Avengers (Ultimate Avengers #8)
dans La Renaissance de Thor (Ultimate Avengers #2)
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