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© Marvel (US)

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[VO] The Middle of the End
ScénarioMcDuffie Dwayne
DessinPelletier Paul
EncreurMagyar Rick
CouleursMounts Paul
CouvertureTurner Michael
Date12 février 2008
EditeurMarvel (US)
SérieFantastic Four, numéro 552
autres tomes... 548 | 549 | 550 | 551 | 552 | 553 | 554 | 555 | 556 ...

Dr. Doom has come from the future with a message: Reed Richards must be stopped now, before his ultimate Civil War plans come to fruition. What was Mr. Fantastic really doing during Civil War? The answers are finally revealed.

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dans Le poids des rêves (Marvel Icons #41)
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