 | The world still needs... the Champions! (Champions #1) [Récit complet], Isabella Tony (S), Heck Don (D), Esposito Michael (E), Goldberg Petra (C) |  | Whom the gods would join... (Champions #2) [Récit complet], Isabella Tony (S), Heck Don (D), Tartaglione John (E), Rachelson Phil (C) |  | Assault on Olympus (Champions #3) [Récit complet], Isabella Tony (S), Mantlo Bill (S), Tuska George (D), Colletta Vince (E), Roussos George (C) |  | Murder at Malibu! (Champions #4) [Récit complet], Claremont Chris (S), Tuska George (D), Colletta Vince (E), Rachelson Phil (C) |  | The economy is so bad that... (Champions #5) [Récit complet], Isabella Tony (S), Heck Don (D), Tartaglione John (E), Cohen Janice (C) |  | Mad dogs and businessmen (Champions #6) [Récit complet], Isabella Tony (S), Tuska George (D), Colletta Vince (E), Goldberg Petra (C) |  | The man who created the Black Widow (Champions #7) [Récit complet], Isabella Tony (S), Tuska George (D), Colletta Vince (E), Rachelson Phil (C) |  | Divide and conquer! (Champions #8) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Hall Bob (D), Patterson Bruce (E), Warfield Don (C) |  | The battle of Los Angeles! (Champions #9) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Hall Bob (D), Layton Bob (E), Warfield Don (C) |  | One man's son is another man's poison! (Champions #10) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Hall Bob (D), Giacoia Frank (E), Warfield Don (C) |  | The shadow from the stars (Champions #11) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Byrne John (D), Layton Bob (E), Warfield Don (C) |  | Did someone say... the Stranger? (Champions #12) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Byrne John (D), Layton Bob (E), Warfield Don (C) |  | The doom that went on forever! (Champions #13) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Byrne John (D), Layton Bob (E), Patterson Bruce (C), Roussos George (C) |  | The creature called... Swarm! (Champions #14) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Byrne John (D), Esposito Michael (E), Oliver-Wein Glynis (C) |  | Death drone! (Champions #15) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Byrne John (D), Esposito Michael (E), Vartanoff Irene (C) |  | A world lost! (Champions #16) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Hall Bob (D), Esposito Michael (E), Rachelson Phil (C) |  | --Cause the Sentinels hunt again! (Champions #17) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Tuska George (D), Byrne John (E), Rachelson Phil (C) |  | The doomsday connection, The doomsday connection (Iron Man Annual #4) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Tuska George (D), Perlin Don (E), Rachelson Phil (C) |  | The demi-god must die! (Avengers #163) [Récit complet], Shooter Jim (S), Tuska George (DE), Marcos Pablo (E), Warfield Don (C) |  | A world for the winning! (Super-Villain Team-Up #14) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Hall Bob (D), Perlin Don (E), Vohland Duffy (E), Warfield Don (C) |  | Whatever happened to the Iceman? (Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #17) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Buscema Sal (D), Hunt David (E), Cohen Janice (C) |  | My friend, my foe! (Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #18) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Buscema Sal (D), Hunt David (E), Beveridge Mary Ellen (C) |  | The evil that is cast... (The Incredible Hulk Annual #7) [Récit complet], Byrne John (SD), Stern Roger (S), Layton Bob (E), Cohen Janice (C) | D : Dessin S : Scénario E : Encreur C : Couleurs Black Widow, Hercule, Ghost Rider, Iceberg et Angel : une équipe des plus atypiques est née, qui adopte le nom de Champions ! Qu’ils percent les secrets de l’homme qui a créé Black Widow ou qu’ils affrontent un redoutable tandem formé par Magnéto et le Docteur Fatalis, ce groupe a eu une carrière brève mais intense !
Autre(s) publication(s): The world still needs... the Champions! (Champions #1) | | Whom the gods would join... (Champions #2) | | Assault on Olympus (Champions #3) | | Murder at Malibu! (Champions #4) | | The economy is so bad that... (Champions #5) | | Mad dogs and businessmen (Champions #6) | | The man who created the Black Widow (Champions #7) | | Divide and conquer! (Champions #8) | | The battle of Los Angeles! (Champions #9) | | One man's son is another man's poison! (Champions #10) | | The shadow from the stars (Champions #11) | | Did someone say... the Stranger? (Champions #12) | | The doom that went on forever! (Champions #13) | | The creature called... Swarm! (Champions #14) | | Death drone! (Champions #15) | | A world lost! (Champions #16) | | --Cause the Sentinels hunt again! (Champions #17) | | The doomsday connection (Iron Man Annual #4) |  | The doomsday connection dans 1977-1978 (Iron Man - Intégrale #11) |
| The demi-god must die! (Avengers #163) | | A world for the winning! (Super-Villain Team-Up #14) | | Whatever happened to the Iceman? (Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #17) |  | ...Qu'est devenu Iceberg? dans Nova (Nova #14) |  | dans 1978 (Spectacular Spider-Man - L'Intégrale #1) |
| My friend, my foe! (Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #18) |  | Mon ennemi, mon vieux copain ! dans Nova (Nova #15) |  | dans 1978 (Spectacular Spider-Man - L'Intégrale #1) |
| The evil that is cast... (The Incredible Hulk Annual #7) |  | dans Hulk (Hulk #25) |