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bordure Chroniques

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Roussos George
dessinateur, encreur, coloriste
n�(e) le 20.08.1915, d�c�d�(e) le 19.02.2000

Pseudonymes : Bell George, Kato Sam.

sur bulledair.com : [142 albums] [7 collectifs] [345 p�riodiques] [899 en vo]

l�gende : D : Dessinateur E : Encreur C : Coloriste

ann�etitres�rie, # volumebullenote
2010Stars Reborn : All-Ages Revolution (C) X-Babies #4-
2009Beta Ray Bill : Godhunter (C) Beta Ray Bill : Godhunter #3-
Beta Ray Bill : Godhunter (C) Beta Ray Bill : Godhunter #2-
Beta Ray Bill : Godhunter (C) Beta Ray Bill : Godhunter #1-
Are You There, Devil? It's Me, Danny. (C) Ghost Riders : Heaven's on Fire #2-
Save the Antichrist, Save the World (C) Ghost Riders : Heaven's on Fire #1-
2008In The Company Of Wolves (C) Moon Knight (v.V) #20-
2007Blues in the Night (E) Avengers Classic #4-
2001Forever Kursed (C) The Mighty Thor (v.II) #32-
1995Fighting Chance Epilogue: If I should die before I wake... (C) Captain America #437-
Fighting Chance : Everybody hurts sometime (C) Captain America #436-
Fighting Chance : Snake, battle, and toll (C) Captain America #435-
1994Fighting Chance : Snake bites (C) Captain America #434-
Fighting Chance : Diamonds aren't forever! (C) Captain America #433-
Fighting Chance : Baron ground (C) Captain America #432-
Fighting Chance : The next generation (C) Captain America #431-
Fighting Chance : Cop out (C) Captain America #430-
Fighting Chance : The beaten path (C) Captain America #429-
Fighting Chance : Policing the nation (C) Captain America #428-
Fighting Chance : Enemy fire (C) Captain America #427-
Fighting Chance : Graven images (C) Captain America #426-
Fighting Chance : Super Patriot games (C) Captain America #425-
The last operation (C) Captain America #424-
Uncreated night (C) Doom 2099 #19-
Heaven's net (C) Doom 2099 #15-
Minds in collision (C) Iron Man Annual #15-
Marvel Comics Presents (C) Marvel Comics Presents #159-
Marvel Comics Presents (C) Marvel Comics Presents #158-
Marvel Comics Presents (C) Marvel Comics Presents #157-
Marvel Comics Presents (C) Marvel Comics Presents #155-
Marvel Comics Presents (C) Marvel Comics Presents #154-
Marvel Comics Presents (C) Marvel Comics Presents #153-
For good and all (C) New Warriors Annual #4-
Crash and burn (C) Spider-Man 2099 #20-
Meltdown (C) Spider-Man 2099 #19-
Blown circuits (C) Spider-Man 2099 #18-
Ye gods (C) Spider-Man 2099 #17-
Nightmare at the Dream Factory (C) Wonder Man (v.I) #29-
1993Going ballistic (C) Captain America #422-
Gantlet (C) Captain America #421-
Skull sessions (C) Captain America #420-
Television blind (C) Captain America #419-
To have and to have not (C) Captain America #418-
Termination day (C) Captain America #417-
Savage Land showdown! (C) Captain America #416-
Savage landings! (C) Captain America #415-
Escape from A.I.M. Isle (C) Captain America #414-
Hostile takeover! (C) Captain America #413-
Disguise the limit (C) Captain America #412-
The arena (C) Captain America #411-
Demon-Wings over Zamora (C) Conan the Barbarian #274-
The Lords of the Lotus (C) Conan the Barbarian #273-
The Devourer Comes to Dark Valley (C) Conan the Barbarian #271-
A Fire on the Lake (C) Conan the Barbarian #270-
Urthona Engaged (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #58-
And A World Dies! (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #57-
Infinity Crusade : Blood Relations (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #56-
Infinity Crusade : World Enough, And Time... (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #55-
Infinity Crusade : From Here... To There... To Eternity! (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #54-
Nightmare on Bleecker Street (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #53-
Field of Bad Dreams (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #52-
Redemption (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #51-
The Heart of Darkness (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #50-
The Wrath of Gods (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #49-
Faith and revival (C) Doom 2099 #11-
Marvel Comics Presents (C) Marvel Comics Presents #140-
Marvel Comics Presents (C) Marvel Comics Presents #136-
Marvel Comics Presents (C) Marvel Comics Presents #135-
Jigsaw 2099 (C) Punisher 2099 #10-
Prophet and loss (C) Spider-Man 2099 #13-
Death from on high (C) Spider-Man 2099 #12-
Blessed obedience (C) Thor #464-
Liberation through subjugation (C) X-Force #27
Shadows on the rock (C) X-Force #26
Back to front (C) X-Force #25
A bluer slice of heaven (C) X-Men Annual #2-
1992Blood and diamonds (C) Captain America #409-
Dark dawn (C) Captain America #408-
Murder by decree! (E) Captain America #400-
To Serve In Heaven (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #48-
Infinity War : Strange Bedfellows (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #47-
Infinity War : Strange Bedfellows (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #46-
Infinity War : Death's Greatest Hits (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #45-
Infinity War : The Color Crimson (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #44-
Infinity War : An Eye for an Eye... (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #43-
Infinity War : Galactus, Go Home! (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #42-
A Wolverine at the Door (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #41-
The Great Fear : From Hope and Fear Set Free... (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #40-
The Great Fear : The Fear That Kills! (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #39-
The Great Fear : Fear Itself (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #38-
Frankensurfer (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #37-
Hot spell (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual #2-
Destroy! (C) Iron Man Annual #13-
Marvel Comics Presents (C) Marvel Comics Presents #116-
1991Chaos Beneath Kuthchemes (C) Conan the Barbarian #250-
The Infinity Gauntlet : Epilogue : Footnote to Infinity (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #36-
The Infinity Gauntlet : Is There a Doctor NOT in the House? (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #34-
The Infinity Gauntlet : The Alexandria Quatrain (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #33-
The Infinity Gauntlet : Silver-Tongued Devil (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #32-
The Infinity Gauntlet : A Gauntlet Hurled! (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #31-
The Topaz Possession (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #30-
Blood Will Tell! (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #29-
Strange Tales (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #28-
Possession is 9/10 of the Logarithm (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #27-
Werewolf At The Door (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #26-
1990Serpent of Dreams (C) Conan the Barbarian #237-
The Road Goes on Forever (C) Conan the Barbarian #235-
Deaths in the Family (C) Conan the Barbarian #234-
Rituals! (C) Conan the Barbarian #233-
Birth on the Battlefield (C) Conan the Barbarian #232-
The Burning Tower (C) Conan the Barbarian #231-
In the Land of the Lotus (C) Conan the Barbarian #230-
Red Teeth - Red Eyes (C) Conan the Barbarian #229-
Red Teeth (C) Conan the Barbarian #228-
The Agent of SHIELD Affair (C) Damage Control (v.II) #4-
If You Picket, It'll Never Heal! (C) Damage Control (v.II) #3-
The Dark Wars : Do Not Go Gently into That Dark Night... (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #24-
The Dark Wars : Mondo Mordo (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #23-
The Azreal Touch (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #19-
The Vampiric Verses : Torn on the Bayou (C) Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #17-
Dark congress! (C) Fantastic Four #336-
The flame, the frost, and the fury! (C) Thor #425-
Black Galaxy Saga : Let there be life! (C) Thor #424-
Black Galaxy Saga : The day of their return! (C) Thor #423-
Black Galaxy Saga : ...Then what are gods?! (C) Thor #422-
Black Galaxy Saga : ...And if men are gods... (C) Thor #421-
Black Galaxy Saga : If death be my destiny! (C) Thor #420-
Black Galaxy Saga : The summons (C) Thor #419-
Fear kills! (C) Thor #418-
The hero and the horror! (C) Thor #416-
When gods wear mortal flesh! (C) Thor #415-
Beyond courage, must I strive! (C) Thor #414-
1989Avengers Spotlight (C) Avengers Spotlight #27-
Avengers Spotlight (C) Avengers Spotlight #22-
Catspaw (C) Conan the Barbarian #227-
The Shade in the Shadow (C) Conan the Barbarian #226-
Elixir of Darkness (C) Conan the Barbarian #225-
The Wheel of Life and Death (C) Conan the Barbarian #223-
The Mask of Vengeance (C) Conan the Barbarian #222-
Drum Song (C) Conan the Barbarian #221-
Blood and Ice (C) Conan the Barbarian #220-
Devil's Gate (C) Conan the Barbarian #219-
Island Life (C) Conan the Barbarian #218-
Beneath the City of Shadows (C) Conan the Barbarian #217-
The Blade of Zed (C) Conan the Barbarian #216-
Death Pit (C) Conan the Barbarian #215-
City of Light (C) Conan the Barbarian #214-
The Big Hype (C) Damage Control #3-
A Friend in Need (C) Daredevil Annual #5-
Death by debate (C) Fantastic Four #335-
Shadows of alarm...! (C) Fantastic Four #334-
The Dream Is Dead (C) Fantastic Four #333-
The Dream Is Dead : Love's labour lost! (C) Fantastic Four #332-
Good Dreams! : The menace of the metal man! (C) Fantastic Four #331-
Bad Dream! : ...And you can't wake up! (C) Fantastic Four #329-
Bad Dream! (C) Fantastic Four #328-
Why?!! (C) Fantastic Four #327-
The illusion (C) Fantastic Four #326-
A Christmas tale (C) Fantastic Four #325-
I die like the stars! (C) Fantastic Four #324-
Orphan of the storm! (C) Fantastic Four #323-
Between a rock and a hard place! (C) Fantastic Four #322-
For crown and conquest! (C) Fantastic Four Annual #22-
Nightmare (C) King Conan / Conan the King #55-
Night Hunt (C) King Conan / Conan the King #54-
Night war (C) King Conan / Conan the King #53-
Night Vengeance (C) King Conan / Conan the King #52-
Night Justice (C) King Conan / Conan the King #51-
Night Winds (C) King Conan / Conan the King #50-
Marvel Comics Presents (C) Marvel Comics Presents #18
Set ascending (C) The Mighty Thor Annual #14-
Two Dooms to destroy me! (C) Thor #410-
1988Conan of the Isles (C) Conan (Miniseries - Marvel) #1-
The Game (C) Conan the Barbarian #213-
The Warrior's Way (C) Conan the Barbarian #212-
Narrow House (C) Conan the Barbarian #211-
Storm (C) Conan the Barbarian #210-
Dark Horse (C) Conan the Barbarian #209-
The Heku Trilogy - Triad (C) Conan the Barbarian #208-
The Heku Trilogy - Community (C) Conan the Barbarian #207-
The Heku Trilogy - Sands upon the Earth (C) Conan the Barbarian #206-
Necropolis (C) Conan the Barbarian #205-
Goblin! (C) Conan the Barbarian #204-
Wrath of the Necromancer! (C) Conan the Barbarian #203-
The Seven Lives of Doom! (C) Conan the Barbarian #202-
After the fall! (C) Fantastic Four #321-
Pride goeth... (C) Fantastic Four #320-
Secret Wars 3 (C) Fantastic Four #319-
Beyond the pale! (C) Fantastic Four #318-
Last kiss (C) Fantastic Four #317-
No way out! (C) Fantastic Four #315-
The scenic route! (C) Fantastic Four #314-
The tunnels of the Mole Man! (C) Fantastic Four #313-
I want to die! (C) Fantastic Four #311-
Things to come! (C) Fantastic Four #310-
Treachery (C) King Conan / Conan the King #49-
The Winter of Discontent (C) King Conan / Conan the King #48-
Of Death and the Dreamer (C) King Conan / Conan the King #47-
The warlord of Koth (C) King Conan / Conan the King #46-
Caliastros (C) King Conan / Conan the King #45-
Hercules Prince of Power : Full Circle (C) Marvel Graphic Novel #37-
...And how shall mortals know ye? (C) Thor #394-
Alone against the Celestials! (C) Thor #388-
1987Into the Black Pit! (C) Conan the Barbarian #201-
The Fall Of Acheron (C) Conan the Barbarian #200-
Revelation in the Mists (C) Conan the Barbarian #199-
The River (C) Conan the Barbarian #198-
Stand (C) Conan the Barbarian #197-
The Beast (C) Conan the Barbarian #196-
Blood of Ages (C) Conan the Barbarian #195-
Shedu (C) Conan the Barbarian #193-
Keeper (C) Conan the Barbarian #192-
Deliverance (C) Conan the Barbarian #191-
Exodus (C) Conan the Barbarian #190-
Burn! (C) Daredevil #245-
Good-bye! (C) Fantastic Four #307-
The Blood of the Serpent (C) King Conan / Conan the King #41-
Of Sorcery And Steel (C) King Conan / Conan the King #40-
The Tower (C) King Conan / Conan the King #39-
... Crossroads (C) King Conan / Conan the King #38-
Mephisto vs. the Avengers : His satanic majesty's request (C) Mephisto vs... #4-
Mephisto vs. The X-Men : devil you say! (C) Mephisto vs... #3-
Mephisto vs. X-Factor : Sympathy for the devil (C) Mephisto vs... #2-
Mephisto vs. the Fantastic Four : Give the devil his due! (C) Mephisto vs... #1-
...Sudden impact (C) Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #126-
Growing pains! (C) The Amazing Spider-Man #292-
Dark journey! (C) The Amazing Spider-Man #291
The Hobgoblin revealed! (C) The Amazing Spider-Man #289
Gang War : Gang war rages on! (C) The Amazing Spider-Man #288
Volume one (C) The Best Of Marvel Comics #1-
Heroes always win... don't they? (C) Thor #376-
The wages of sin (C) Web of Spider-Man #30-
Nothing to fear... (C) Web of Spider-Man #26-
1986Bride of the Oculist! (C) Conan Annual #11-
Rites of Inquisition (C) Conan the Barbarian #189-
The Killing Season (C) Conan the Barbarian #188-
Resurrection (C) Conan the Barbarian #187-
The Crimson Brotherhood (C) Conan the Barbarian #186-
Monument (C) Conan the Barbarian #185-
Swords (C) Conan the Barbarian #184-
Blood Dawn (C) Conan the Barbarian #183-
Testament (C) Conan the Barbarian #182-
Maddoc's Reign (C) Conan the Barbarian #181-
Witches' Keep (C) Conan the Barbarian #180-
The end of all there is (C) Conan the Barbarian #179-
Death Hunt (C) Conan the Barbarian #178-
Well of Souls! (C) Conan the Barbarian #177-
The Dreamer Under the Mountain! (C) Eternals (v.II) #12-
A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste! (C) Eternals (v.II) #10-
You Say You Want a Revolution? (C) Eternals (v.II) #9-
When Titans Party! (C) Eternals (v.II) #8-
Naked to Mine Enemies (C) Eternals (v.II) #7-
Magnificent Obsession! (C) Eternals (v.II) #6-
The Secret Name of Pain! (C) Eternals (v.II) #5-
Masked Gods! (C) Eternals (v.II) #4-
The Sack of Belverus (C) King Conan / Conan the King #37-
The road to empire (C) King Conan / Conan the King #36-
The ravaged land (C) King Conan / Conan the King #35-
Harvest of Death (C) King Conan / Conan the King #34-
Day of wrath (C) King Conan / Conan the King #33-
Juggernaut (C) King Conan / Conan the King #32-
And One Clear Call for Me--! (C) Micronauts (v.II) : The New Voyages #18-
You never make a sound (C) Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #112-
The awful truth (C) Planet Terry #12-
So where's my mother? (C) Planet Terry #11-
You're not going to believe this (C) Planet Terry #10-
Lo, there shall come a champion! (C) The Amazing Spider-Man #274-
The more things change... (C) The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #324-
Certain intangibles (C) The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #323-
A taxing time! (C) Vision and The Scarlet Witch (v.II) #11-
There, but for Fortune! (C) Web of Spider-Man #10-
Wake me up, I gotta be dreaming (C) Web of Spider-Man Annual #2
1985Conan the Destroyer (C) Conan - Movies #4-
Conan the Destroyer (C) Conan - Movies #3-
Argos Rain (C) Conan the Barbarian #176-
The Scarlet Personage! (C) Conan the Barbarian #175-
Children of the Night (C) Conan the Barbarian #174-
Honor among Theves! (C) Conan the Barbarian #173-
Reavers in the Borderland (C) Conan the Barbarian #172-
Barbarian Death Song (C) Conan the Barbarian #171-
Dominion of the Dead! (C) Conan the Barbarian #170-
Tomb Of The Scarlet Mage (C) Conan the Barbarian #169-
The Bird-Woman And The Beast! (C) Conan the Barbarian #168-
The Creature From Time's Dawn! (C) Conan the Barbarian #167-
Blood Of The Titan! (C) Conan the Barbarian #166-
The sight stealer (C) Daredevil #217
The Strategies of Suicide! (C) Eternals (v.II) #3-
The Old Priest Writ Large...! (C) Eternals (v.II) #2-
A Mirror for Mortality! (C) Eternals (v.II) #1-
Force of Arms (C) King Conan / Conan the King #31-
Revenge On The Black River (C) King Conan / Conan the King #30-
The Sleeping Lion (C) King Conan / Conan the King #29-
Call Of The Wild (C) King Conan / Conan the King #28-
A Death In Stygia (C) King Conan / Conan the King #27-
Passage (C) King Conan / Conan the King #26-
The Incandescent Man (C) Marvel Team-Up #149-
The death of Jean DeWolff : Sin of pride (C) Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #108-
True confessions! (C) Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #98-
Galaxy gallop (C) Planet Terry #9-
Alphatraz - The prison planet / This is prison? / King of the prison (C) Planet Terry #8-
The case of the white-haired kid (C) Planet Terry #7-
Burn, spider, burn! (C) The Amazing Spider-Man #269
Big Game (C) The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #31-
Fireworks (C) The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #30-
Shot By Both Sides! (C) The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #29-
And evil shall inherit (C) The Mighty Thor Annual #13-
The twilight heroes (C) Web of Spider-Man #9-
Iron bars do not a prison make... (C) Web of Spider-Man #3-
'Til death do us part! (C) Web of Spider-Man #1-
1984Beauty and the Beast (C) Beauty and the Beast #1-
Temple of the Dragon (C) Conan the Barbarian #165-
The Jeweled Sword of Tem (C) Conan the Barbarian #164-
Cavern Of The Vines Of Doom! (C) Conan the Barbarian #163-
Destroyer in the Flame (C) Conan the Barbarian #162-
Veil of Darkness! (C) Conan the Barbarian #160-
Cauldron of the Doomed! (C) Conan the Barbarian #159-
Night of the Wolf (C) Conan the Barbarian #158-
The Wizard (C) Conan the Barbarian #157-
The Curse! (C) Conan the Barbarian #156-
The Anger of Conan (C) Conan the Barbarian #155-
The Man-Bats of Ur-Xanarrh (C) Conan the Barbarian #154-
Lies (C) Daredevil #212-
This hungry god (C) Daredevil #211-
The Gael! (C) Daredevil #205-
Trumps! (C) Daredevil #203-
Savage In A Strange Land (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #34-
Brother, Can You Spare A Mine (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #33-
He Ain't Heavy (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #32-
But I Don't Want to Go back to the Savage Land! (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #31-
...Or For Worse (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #30-
Daggers (C) King Conan / Conan the King #25-
Fragments: A Witch's Tale (C) King Conan / Conan the King #24-
Ordeal (C) King Conan / Conan the King #23-
The Black Dragons (C) King Conan / Conan the King #22-
Shadows (C) King Conan / Conan the King #21-
The Prince is Dead (C) King Conan / Conan the King #20-
Conan the Destroyer (C) Marvel Super Special #35-
A child shall lead them! (C) Marvel Team-Up #148-
Hero worship! (C) Marvel Team-Up #146-
Where were you ... when the lights went out? (C) Marvel Team-Up #140-
Everybody loves somebody sometime! (C) Marvel Team-Up #139-
Sunstroke (C) New Mutants #12-
The Armageddon Game (C) Power Man and Iron Fist #104-
Doombringer (C) Power Man and Iron Fist #103-
The Scarlet Ruse (C) Power Man and Iron Fist #102-
Slipaway (C) Power Man and Iron Fist #101-
Memory lane! (C) Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #4-
The blood of dawn! (C) The Mighty Thor Annual #12-
Rocky Grimm, Space Ranger : Doom! (C) The Thing #12-
Rocky Grimm, Space Ranger : Well, here I am... Rocky Grimm, space ranger (C) The Thing #11-
What Price A Soul? (C) The Thing #9-
Ancient Evenings, Ancient Pain (C) The Thing #8-
The past is a bucket of ashes (C) Thor #341
Though Hel should bar the way! (C) Thor #340
Something old, something new... (C) Thor #339
The Truck Stops Here ! (C) U.S. 1 #12-
Transmissions From Space! (C) U.S. 1 #11-
Good Man In The Clutch! (C) U.S. 1 #10-
Big Mack Attack! (C) U.S. 1 #9-
Heart-breakes! (C) U.S. 1 #8-
What if Captain America were not revived until today? (C) What if #44-
1983The Bird-Men of Akah Ma'at (C) Conan the Barbarian #153-
The Dark Blade of Jergal Zadh (C) Conan the Barbarian #152-
Vale of Death (C) Conan the Barbarian #151-
Tower of Flame (C) Conan the Barbarian #150-
Deathmark (C) Conan the Barbarian #149-
The Plague of Forlek (C) Conan the Barbarian #148-
Tower of Mitra (C) Conan the Barbarian #147-
Night of the Three Sisters (C) Conan the Barbarian #146-
Son of Cimmeria (C) Conan the Barbarian #145-
The Blade and the Beast (C) Conan the Barbarian #144-
Life Among The Dead (C) Conan the Barbarian #143-
The Maze, The Man, The Monster (C) Conan the Barbarian #142-
A Match Made in Hell (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #29-
Trouble In Paradise (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #28-
Twisted Corridors (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #27-
Escape From New York! (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #26-
On Death and Dying (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #24-
Resurrection! (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #23-
Bones and Blade (C) King Conan / Conan the King #19-
Devil of Darfar (C) King Conan / Conan the King #18-
A Tyrant In Amber (C) King Conan / Conan the King #17-
The Looters of R'Shann (C) King Conan / Conan the King #15-
King of Fire and Darkness (C) King Conan / Conan the King #14-
Webs (C) Marvel Team-Up #136-
Down deep in darkness! (C) Marvel Team-Up #135-
The boy's night out! (C) Marvel Team-Up #134-
Aftermath! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #100-
Visiting hours! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #96-
The power to live... The power to die!... (C) Marvel Two-In-One #95-
Atonement (C) Master of Kung Fu #125-
The Sins Of The Son (C) Master of Kung Fu #123-
Road warriors! (C) New Mutants #6-
Delusions (C) Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #83-
The final battle (C) Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #79-
The Untouchable! (C) Power Man and Iron Fist #90-
Heroes and Villains (C) The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #17-
The Dark Crystal (C) The Dark Crystal #2-
The Dark Crystal (C) The Dark Crystal #1-
Sanctuary! (C) The Defenders #120-
Ashes, Ashes... We All Fall Down! (C) The Defenders #119-
The Double! (C) The Defenders #118-
The Gift (C) The Defenders #117-
Two By Two (C) The Defenders #116-
A Very Wrong Turn! (C) The Defenders #115-
A fool and his hammer... (C) Thor #338
Doom! (C) Thor #337
Of gods and men (C) Thor #336-
Runequest's end! (C) Thor #335-
Runequest (C) Thor #334-
...Like a bat out of heaven! (C) Thor #333-
Blood of a goddess! (C) Thor #332-
Holy war! (C) Thor #331-
The coming of the Crusader! (C) Thor #330-
Stranded (C) Thor #329-
Violence in video (C) Thor #328-
This battleground Earth! (C) Thor #327-
Iron Mike King of the Bike! (C) U.S. 1 #6-
Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself.... (C) Vision and The Scarlet Witch #4-
What if Thor of Asgard had met Conan the Barbarian? (C) What if #39-
What if Sharon Carter had not died? (C) What if #38-
1982Conan the Barbarian (C) Conan - Movies #2-
Conan the Barbarian (C) Conan - Movies #1-
Red Shadows and Black Kraken! (C) Conan Annual #7-
The Web Tightens (C) Conan the Barbarian #141-
Spider Isle (C) Conan the Barbarian #140-
In the Lair of the Damned (C) Conan the Barbarian #139-
Isle of the Dead (C) Conan the Barbarian #138-
Titan's Gambit (C) Conan the Barbarian #137-
The River of Death (C) Conan the Barbarian #136-
The Forest of the Night (C) Conan the Barbarian #135-
A Hitch In Time (C) Conan the Barbarian #134-
The Witch Of Widnsor (C) Conan the Barbarian #133-
Games Of Gharn (C) Conan the Barbarian #132-
The Creation Quest - The Quest Ends! (C) Conan the Barbarian #130-
Man and super-man! (C) Fantastic Four #249-
Tears of a Clown! (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #73-
Temptations! (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #72-
The Tears of Adam Henderson (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #71-
Personal Demons (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #69-
The Curse of Jonathan Blaze (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #68-
Holding On To Sally (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #67-
The Witch in the Whirlwind! (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #66-
The Lair Of The Loan Shark (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #65-
The kiss of doom! (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #64-
It's a Jungle Out There! (C) Ka-Zar the Savage #21-
Circle of Sorcery (C) King Conan / Conan the King #13-
The Tombs under Tarantia (C) King Conan / Conan the King #12-
The Haunter of the Cenotaph (C) King Conan / Conan the King #11-
The Fang of Set (C) King Conan / Conan the King #10-
Bones of the Brown Man (C) King Conan / Conan the King #9-
The power trap! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #94-
And one shall die--! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #93-
In the shadow of the Sphinx! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #91-
Eyes of the sorcerer (C) Marvel Two-In-One #90-
Disaster at Diablo Reactor (C) Marvel Two-In-One #88-
Time runs like sand! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #86-
The final fate of Giant-Man! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #85-
Cry for beloved Canada! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #84-
Where stalks the Sasquatch! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #83-
And they shall call him... Champion! (C) Marvel Two-In-One Annual #7-
The Trapster and the Tiger! (C) Spidey Super Stories #57-
Meet Captain Britain! (C) Spidey Super Stories #56-
Shadeshine! (C) Star Wars Annual #2-
Dance of Darkness/Dance of Light! (C) The Defenders #114-
Moon Madness! (C) The Defenders #113-
Strange Visitor From Another Planet! (C) The Defenders #112-
Fathers and Daughters (C) The Defenders #111-
Hunger... (C) The Defenders #110-
Vengeance! Cries the Valkyrie (C) The Defenders #109-
The Wasteland (C) The Defenders #108-
On Death and Dying... (C) The Defenders #107-
The War to End All Wars! (C) The Defenders #106-
...Rising... (C) The Defenders #105-
Yesterday Never Dies! (C) The Defenders #104-
The Haunting of Christiansboro! (C) The Defenders #103-
Dawn of the gods! (C) The Mighty Thor Annual #10-
The scarab strikes! (C) Thor #326-
A deal with Darkoth (C) Thor #325-
Graviton (C) Thor #324-
...Comes a dark stranger! (C) Thor #323-
The wrath and the power! (C) Thor #322-
Magick's menace! (C) Thor #321-
Blake's menagerie (C) Thor #320-
The Zaniac craves blood! (C) Thor #319-
A kingdom lost (C) Thor #318-
Chaos at Canaveral (C) Thor #317-
Of beasts and things... (C) Thor #316-
The thunder god and the Bi-Beast (C) Thor #315-
What if the Dazzler had become the herald of Galactus? (C) What if #33-
1981Prison reform! (C) Captain America #260-
King of the Forgotten People (C) Conan Annual #6-
The Creation Quest (C) Conan the Barbarian #129-
The Creation Quest - And Life Sprang From These (C) Conan the Barbarian #128-
The Snow haired Woman of the Wastes (C) Conan the Barbarian #127-
The Blood Red Eye Of Truth (C) Conan the Barbarian #126-
The Witches Of Nexxx (C) Conan the Barbarian #125-
The Eternity War! (C) Conan the Barbarian #124-
The Horror Beneath the Hills! (C) Conan the Barbarian #123-
The City Where Time Stood Still (C) Conan the Barbarian #122-
The Price of Perfection (C) Conan the Barbarian #121-
The Hand of Erlik (C) Conan the Barbarian #120-
The Voice of One Long Gone (C) Conan the Barbarian #119-
Valley of Forever Night (C) Conan the Barbarian #118-
Terror in a tiny town (E) Fantastic Four #236-
In all the gathered gloom! (C) Fantastic Four #231-
Firefrost and the Ebon Seeker (C) Fantastic Four #230-
The thing from the black hole (C) Fantastic Four #229-
Ego-Spawn (C) Fantastic Four #228-
The brain parasites! (C) Fantastic Four #227-
The Samurai Destroyer (C) Fantastic Four #226-
A Queen Reclaimed (C) King Conan / Conan the King #8-
A Clash of Kings (C) King Conan / Conan the King #7-
Vengeance from the Desert! (C) King Conan / Conan the King #6-
The Ring of Rakhamon! (C) King Conan / Conan the King #5-
This rumor of revolution! (C) Marvel Team-Up #107-
Power play! (C) Marvel Team-Up Annual #4-
The fatal effects of Virus X! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #82-
No home for heroes! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #81-
Call him... monster! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #80-
Shanga, the Star-Dancer! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #79-
Monster Man! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #78-
Only the swamp survives! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #77-
The big top bandits (C) Marvel Two-In-One #76-
By Blastaar -- betrayed! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #75-
A Christmas peril! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #74-
Pipeline through infinity (C) Marvel Two-In-One #73-
The might of Maelstrom (C) Marvel Two-In-One #72-
The cure! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #71-
An Eagle from America! (C) Marvel Two-In-One Annual #6-
Fight Without Reason! (C) Master of Kung Fu #104-
Beetlemania! (C) Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #60-
The peril and the pumpkin (C) Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #56-
The Dinosaur Man! (C) Spidey Super Stories #55-
How Time Flies! (C) Spidey Super Stories #54-
Doctor Doom Meets Prince Namor! (C) Spidey Super Stories #53-
Mystery of the Mole Mahine! (C) Spidey Super Stories #52-
The Ringer's Big Rip-Off! (C) Spidey Super Stories #51-
The Rhino's Day in Court! (C) Spidey Super Stories #50-
Mind Games! (C) The Defenders #102-
Renewal! (C) The Defenders #101-
Hell on Earth! (C) The Defenders #100-
The Final Conflict? (C) The Defenders #99-
The Hand Closes (C) The Defenders #98-
Slouching Toward Bethlehem (C) The Defenders #97-
The Rock and Roll Conspiracy! (C) The Defenders #96-
The Vampire Strikes Back! (C) The Defenders #95-
Beware -- The Six-Fingered Hand! (C) The Defenders #94-
The Woman Behind the Man! (C) The Defenders #93-
Eternity...Humanity...Oblivion! (C) The Defenders #92-
Defiance (C) The Defenders #91-
Acts of destruction (C) Thor #314-
Serpent from the heavens (C) Thor #313-
Grief more than a god may bear (C) Thor #311-
The maelstrom to Mephisto (C) Thor #310-
Beware the Bombardiers! (C) Thor #309-
The snow giant (C) Thor #308-
Wings in the night! (C) Thor #307-
Fury of the Firelord! (C) Thor #306-
Hark, the herald angel lives! (C) Thor #305-
Reckless! (C) Thor #304-
The miracle of storms (C) Thor #303-
What if Spider-Man's clone had survived? (C) What if #30-
1980Cap for president! (C) Captain America #250-
By the dawn's early light! (C) Captain America #247-
The way of all flesh! (C) Captain America #244-
Facades! (C) Captain America #242-
Fear grows in Brooklyn! (C) Captain America #241-
The Corridor Of -- Mullah-Kajar (C) Conan the Barbarian #117-
Crawler in the Mist! (C) Conan the Barbarian #116-
A War of Wizards! (C) Conan the Barbarian #115-
A Devil in the Family! (C) Conan the Barbarian #113-
Buryat Besieged! (C) Conan the Barbarian #112-
Cimmerian...Against a City! (C) Conan the Barbarian #111-
Sons of the Bear God! (C) Conan the Barbarian #109-
Demon Of The Night! (C) Conan the Barbarian #107-
The blind god's tears (C) Fantastic Four #225-
The Darkfield illumination (C) Fantastic Four #224-
That a child may live... (C) Fantastic Four #223-
The possession of Franklin Richards! (C) Fantastic Four #222-
Leviathans (C) Fantastic Four #219-
Time for the Prime Ten (C) Fantastic Four Annual #15-
Shadows in the Skull! (C) King Conan / Conan the King #4-
Red Moon of Zembabwei (C) King Conan / Conan the King #3-
The Black Sphinx of Nebthu (C) King Conan / Conan the King #2-
The Witch of the Mists (C) King Conan / Conan the King #1-
Xanadu! (C) Machine Man #13-
Carnival of souls! (C) Marvel Team-Up #91-
Death on the air (C) Marvel Team-Up #90-
A moving experience (C) Marvel Two-In-One #70-
Homecoming! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #69-
The taking of Counter-Earth! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #62-
Warriors of the Golden Dawn : The Bull and the Dragon (C) Master of Kung Fu #84-
Who's Been Sleeping In My Grave? (C) Power Man and Iron Fist #61-
The stalker in the night! (C) Rom #9-
A house is not a home! (C) Rom #5-
Spidey for President! (C) Spidey Super Stories #49-
The Roots of Evil (C) Spidey Super Stories #48-
A method in his madness! (C) The Amazing Spider-Man #206-
Mind Over Mandrill! (C) The Defenders #90-
A Death in the Family! (C) The Defenders #89-
Lord of the Whales (C) The Defenders #88-
Like a Proud Black Panther... (C) The Defenders #85-
Battle Royal! (C) The Defenders #84-
The monster! (C) The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #250-
When the Hulk comes raging! (C) The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #245-
A game of monsters and kings (C) The Incredible Hulk Annual #9-
The man who would be Hulk (C) The Invincible Iron Man #132
The She-Hulk Strikes Back! (C) The Savage She-Hulk #4-
The shape of things to kill! (C) Thor #302-
For the life of Asgard! (C) Thor #301-
1979The call of the mountain thing! (C) Avengers #187-
Revenge of the Black Panther (C) Black Panther #15-
Gang wars! (C) Captain America #240-
From the ashes... (C) Captain America #237-
The flame and the fury (C) Captain America #232-
Moon-traps and paradise (C) Captain Marvel #60-
Bride of the conqueror (C) Conan Annual #5-
Bride of the Vampire! (C) Conan the Barbarian #103-
The Men Who Drink Blood! (C) Conan the Barbarian #102-
The Devil Has Many Legs! (C) Conan the Barbarian #101-
Death On The Black Coast! (C) Conan the Barbarian #100-
Sea-Woman! (C) Conan the Barbarian #98-
The Long Night Of Fang And Talon! (C) Conan the Barbarian #96-
The beast-king of Abombi! (C) Conan the Barbarian #94-
A grave mistake! (C) Daredevil #158-
And Fear, the Final Victor! (C) Doctor Strange (v.II) #37-
The Man Who Knew Stephen Sanders! (C) Doctor Strange (v.II) #36-
Of Knights -- and Pawns (C) Doctor Strange (v.II) #35-
Into the Abyss (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #39-
The Cult of Doom (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #38-
Night of the Flame Cycles! (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #37-
Story of the year! (C) Marvel Team-Up #86-
Breathless (C) Master of Kung Fu #81-
Weapons (C) Master of Kung Fu #77-
The Woman Who Fell To Earth (C) Ms. Marvel #23-
Into the hive (C) Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #37-
Lizards on a hot tin roof (C) Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #34-
Big Apple Bomber (C) Power Man and Iron Fist #59-
El Aguila Has Landed! (C) Power Man and Iron Fist #58-
Pharaohs on Broadway! (C) Power Man and Iron Fist #57-
The Scarab's Sting! (C) Power Man and Iron Fist #56-
The Tomb of Three Dead Kings (C) Red Sonja (v.I) #15-
Red Lace - Shall Skranos Fall? (C) Red Sonja (v.I) #13-
Shadow of a dark lord! (C) Star Wars #21-
Deathgame (C) Star Wars #20-
Now you see me! Now you die! (C) The Amazing Spider-Man #199-
Nine lives has the Black Cat! (C) The Amazing Spider-Man #195-
Waiting for the End of the World! (C) The Defenders #77-
Little Triggers! (C) The Defenders #76-
Fools Rush In! (C) The Defenders #74-
The monster and the Machine (C) The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #235-
Sasquatch! (C) The Incredible Hulk Annual #8-
Dread night of the Dreadnought! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #129
Thunder over Troy! (C) The Mighty Thor Annual #8-
Deviants and doormen! (C) Thor #285-
Suddenly -- the Celestials! (C) Thor #283-
1978Kiber the Cruel (C) Black Panther #11-
A serpent lurks below (C) Captain America #228-
This deadly gauntlet! (C) Captain America #227-
Devastation! (C) Captain America #225-
Saturday night furor! (C) Captain America #224-
Monumental menace! (C) Captain America #222-
Cul-de-sac! (C) Captain America #221-
The Ameridroid lives! (C) Captain America #220-
The adventures of Captain America (C) Captain America #219-
One day in Newfoundland! (C) Captain America #218-
The Return of the Conqueror (C) Conan Annual #4-
Of Rage And Revenge! (C) Conan the Barbarian #93-
The Thing In The Crypt! (C) Conan the Barbarian #92-
Savage Doings In Shem! (C) Conan the Barbarian #91-
The Queen and the Corsairs! - The Diadem of the Giant-Kings! (C) Conan the Barbarian #90-
The Queen and the Corsairs! - The Sword And The Serpent! (C) Conan the Barbarian #89-
The Queen and the Corsairs! (C) Conan the Barbarian #88-
Demons at the Summit! (C) Conan the Barbarian #87-
The Dance of the Skull! (C) Conan the Barbarian #83-
The Sorceress of the Swamp! (C) Conan the Barbarian #82-
Prisoner! (C) Daredevil #152
Dino-Riders (C) Devil Dinosaur #8-
Eev! (C) Devil Dinosaur #6-
Vengeance is mine! (C) Fantastic Four #194-
Deadly Pawn! (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #29-
A time of titans (C) Invaders #33-
Heil Frankenstein (C) Invaders #31-
Five against the flying death (C) Invaders #30-
Calling the Kid Commandos (C) Invaders #28-
Agent Axis -- Master of murder (C) Invaders #27-
Day of infamy... day of shame (C) Invaders #26-
The power and the panzers (C) Invaders #25-
In final battle! (C) Machine Man #9-
The Vision gambit (C) Marvel Two-In-One #39-
Deadly Lesson: Like Father, Like Son...? (C) Master of Kung Fu #64-
The Phoenix Gambit : End-Game (C) Master of Kung Fu #60-
At Last...The Inner Circle! (C) Nova #20-
By the light of the silvery Moon Knight! (C) Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #22-
The Moonstone is a harsh mistress! (C) The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #229-
Anguish, once removed! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #116-
The man, the metal, and the mayhem! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #111
Somewhere -- over the Rainbow Bridge! (C) Thor #273-
The day the thunder failed! (C) Thor #272-
What if Rick Jones had become the Hulk? (C) What if #12-
What if someone else had become the amazing Spider-Man? (C) What if #7-
1977Hotline to Hades! (C) 2001 : A Space Odyssey #10-
Mister Machine! (C) 2001 : A Space Odyssey #9-
The New Seed! (C) 2001 : A Space Odyssey #7-
Inter-Galactica (C) 2001 : A Space Odyssey #6-
Marak! (C) 2001 : A Space Odyssey #3-
A Cup of Youth (C) Black Panther #6-
The way it really was! (C) Captain America #215-
The Night Flyer! (C) Captain America #213-
Showdown day! (C) Captain America #210-
Arnim Zola -- the bio-fanatic!! (C) Captain America #209-
The river of death! (C) Captain America #208-
The tiger and the Swine!! (C) Captain America #207-
The great mutant massacre! (C) Captain America Annual #4-
The doom that went on forever! (C) Champions #13-
The Eye of the Serpent (C) Conan the Barbarian #81-
Swordless in Stygia (C) Conan the Barbarian #76-
The Hawk-Riders of Harakht! (C) Conan the Barbarian #75-
The Battle at the Black Walls! (C) Conan the Barbarian #74-
He Who Waits - - in the Well of Skelos! (C) Conan the Barbarian #73-
Vengeance In Asgalun (C) Conan the Barbarian #72-
Man-Bull means mayhem (C) Daredevil #144-
Enter: the Mad Thinker! (C) Fantastic Four #182-
Side by side with... Annihilus? (C) Fantastic Four #181-
A Robinson Crusoe in the Negative Zone! (C) Fantastic Four #179-
The scarab of the Nile (C) Invaders #23-
War comes to the Wilhelmstrasse (C) Invaders #19-
Enter: The mighty Destroyer (C) Invaders #18-
The making of Warrior Woman, 1942 (C) Invaders #17-
The Golem walks again! (C) Invaders #13-
Assault On A Cold Fortress (C) Ka-Zar (v.II) #20-
The 3-D Man! (C) Marvel Premiere #35-
When slays the Silver Samurai! (C) Marvel Team-Up #57-
Spider, Spider on the moon! (C) Marvel Team-Up #55-
Spider in the middle! (C) Marvel Team-Up #54-
Does anyone remember... the Hijacker!? (C) Marvel Two-In-One #24-
Weapon of the Soul (C) Master of Kung Fu #53-
The Warrior and the Witch-Queen! (C) Ms. Marvel #12-
Thunderbolt and Goldbug! (C) Power Man #41-
Triad! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #104-
Frenzy at fifty fathoms! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #94-
Terrible Threat of the Tri-Animan! (C) Werewolf by Night #43-
The Marauder and the Man of Iron (C) Werewolf by Night #42-
What if Captain America and Bucky had both survived World War II? (C) What if #5-
What if... the Avengers had never been? (C) What if #3-
1976Beast-Killer (C) 2001 : A Space Odyssey #1-
Mourning Prey (C) Amazing Adventures (v.II) #39-
Right between the eons! (C) Avengers #143-
Mad, mad dimension! (C) Captain America #202-
Assault on Olympus (C) Champions #3-
Night of the Blue Bullet! (C) Invaders #11-
An Invader no more! (C) Invaders #9-
The Gnome Queen And The Savage (C) Ka-Zar (v.II) #18-
The Conquest Of Claw (C) Ka-Zar (v.II) #16-
Two Worlds In Frenzy (C) Ka-Zar (v.II) #14-
The Ballad of Bêlit and Conan - Beware the Sacred Sons od Set! (C) Marvel Feature Presents Red Sonja #6-
Eyes of the Gorgon (C) Marvel Feature Presents Red Sonja #4-
Future-shock! (C) Marvel Team-Up #45-
Their name is Legion! (E) Marvel Two-In-One Annual #1-
Fight Without Pity (C) Master of Kung Fu #39-
Riders on the sky! (C) Skull the Slayer #8-
The gentleman's name is Blizzard! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #86-
And Death Shall Be the Change (C) Werewolf by Night #41-
1975The soft parade... of slow sliding death! (C) Astonishing Tales #30-
Stranger in a strange man! (C) Avengers #138-
Origin Of The Vision: The Torch is passed! (C) Avengers #135-
The madness maze! (C) Captain America #187-
Cap's back! (C) Captain America #184-
Holocaust in the halls of HYDRA (C) Daredevil #123-
The Desolation Run! (E) Ghost Rider (v.I) #11-
Eelar Moves in Mysterious Ways! (C) Giant-Size Defenders #5-
Death Is A Ninja (C) Marvel Premiere #22-
Hellfire Helix Hex (C) Marvel Presents #2-
The Fool's Path! (C) Marvel Spotlight #20-
Beware the death crusade! (C) Marvel Team-Up #34-
Silent night ... deadly night! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #8-
Death-Hand and the Sun of Mordillo (C) Master of Kung Fu #35-
Assault on an Angry Sea! (C) Master of Kung Fu #32-
Daughter of Darkness! (C) Master of Kung Fu #26-
The delusion conspiracy (C) The Amazing Spider-Man #144-
Gold Diggers of Fear! (C) The Defenders #30-
Enter: The Headmen! (C) The Defenders #21-
Mission into madness! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #80-
Slave to the power imperious! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #75-
Marcosa in Death (C) Werewolf by Night #36-
Evil in Every Stone, No Longer Hiding (C) Werewolf by Night #35-
Not all the Shades of Death, Nor Evil's Majesty (C) Werewolf by Night #34-
Wolf-Beast vs. Moon Knight (C) Werewolf by Night #33-
A Sister of Hell (C) Werewolf by Night #29-
1974Dead Reckoning! (C) Astonishing Tales #27-
Beware the Star-Stalker! (C) Avengers #124-
Trapped in outer space! (C) Avengers #122-
Death-stars of the Zodiac! (C) Avengers #120-
It's always darkest...! (C) Captain America #174-
The sins of the Secret Empire! (C) Captain America #173-
Werewolf's lair (C) Doc Savage #8-
Doomsday: 200 degrees below! (C) Fantastic Four #146-
Attack! (C) Fantastic Four #144-
Fear (C) Fear #24-
Fear (C) Fear #23-
Fear (C) Fear #20-
Waters of Darkness, River of Doom! (C) Ka-Zar (v.II) #6-
Into The Shadows of Chaos (C) Ka-Zar (v.II) #4-
Demon, Demon--Who's Got the Demon? (C) Marvel Spotlight #19-
Madhouse! (C) Marvel Spotlight #18-
4000 Holes in Forest Park! (C) Marvel Spotlight #16-
Vengeance of the Molecule Man! (C) Marvel Two-In-One #1-
Lair Of The Lost (C) Master of Kung Fu #17-
Last Jet to Gotham (DE) The Brave and The Bold #114-
Doomsday -- down under! (C) The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #174-
Revenge! (C) The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #171-
Confrontation : Battle: Tooth and Yellow Claw! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #71-
Confrontation : Who shall stop... Ultimo? (C) The Invincible Iron Man #70-
Return of the Freak (C) The Invincible Iron Man #67-
Battle royal! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #66-
On the Brink of Madness (C) The Sub-Mariner #68-
The battle beyond! (C) Thor #226-
No one can stop... the Destroyer! (C) Thor #224-
Hercules enraged! (C) Thor #221-
Uncanny X-Men (E) Uncanny X-Men #86-
The Behemoth (C) Werewolf by Night #17-
1973To the death! (C) Avengers #118-
...And a Phoenix shall arise! (E) Captain America #168-
The Yellow Claw strikes (C) Captain America #165-
Death in high places (C) Captain Marvel #24-
Life be not proud! (C) Daredevil and the Black Widow #106-
... then came Ramrod! (C) Daredevil and the Black Widow #103-
Vengeance in the sky with diamonds (C) Daredevil and the Black Widow #101-
Let there be... death! (C) Daredevil and the Black Widow #98-
Brand of the werewolf (C) Doc Savage #7-
The end of the Fantastic Four! (C) Fantastic Four #141-
Annihilus revealed! (C) Fantastic Four #140-
Wheels On Fire (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #3-
A Woman Possessed (C) Ghost Rider (v.I) #1-
The Claws of Lionfang! (C) Hero for Hire #13-
Aftermath : A Dark and Stormy Knight (C) The Defenders #11-
Death from on high! (C) The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #170-
Beyond the border lurks death! (C) The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #161-
Two years before the Abomination! (C) The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #159-
The cutting edge of death! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #65-
Rokk cometh! (C) The Invincible Iron Man #64-
Enter: Dr. Spectrum (C) The Invincible Iron Man #63-
Where pass the black stars there also passes... death! (C) Thor #218-
Where chaos rules! (C) Thor #216-
Uncanny X-Men (E) Uncanny X-Men #84-
Confrontation (C) Warlock #8-
The Day of the Death Birds (C) Warlock #5-
Terror Beneath the Earth (C) Werewolf by Night #9-
1972Batman (E) Batman #242-
1971All things must end! (E) Avengers #92-
In the grip of Gargoyle! (E) Captain America #140-
1969Captain America Joins ...The Avengers! (E) Avengers Annual #3-
King-Size Special The Incredible Hulk (E) King-Size Special The Incredible Hulk #2-
1967The sinister shadow of... doomsday! (E) Uncanny X-Men #38
Mekano lives! (E) Uncanny X-Men #36-
1965Tales to Astonish (E) Tales to Astonish #64-
Tales to Astonish (E) Tales to Astonish #63-
1964Captain America joins... the Avengers! (E) Avengers #4-
Journey into Mystery (E) Journey into Mystery #103-
Strange Tales (E) Strange Tales #125-
Strange Tales (E) Strange Tales #124-
Strange Tales (E) Strange Tales #116-
Tales to Astonish (E) Tales to Astonish #62-
Tales to Astonish (E) Tales to Astonish #61-
Tales to Astonish (E) Tales to Astonish #60-
Tales to Astonish (E) Tales to Astonish #55-
Tales to Astonish (E) Tales to Astonish #52-
Tales to Astonish (E) Tales to Astonish #51-
1963Journey into Mystery (E) Journey into Mystery #99-
Journey into Mystery (E) Journey into Mystery #97-
Tales to Astonish (E) Tales to Astonish #50-
Tales to Astonish (E) Tales to Astonish #49-
1952The Haunt of Fear (DE) The Haunt of Fear #11-
1951Crime SuspenStories (DE) Crime SuspenStories #8-
Crime SuspenStories (DE) Crime SuspenStories #6-
The Man Behind the Red Hood! (E) Detective Comics #168-
Tales From The Crypt (DE) Tales From The Crypt #26-
The Haunt of Fear (DE) The Haunt of Fear #8-
Weird Fantasy (DE) Weird Fantasy #8-
Weird Fantasy (DE) Weird Fantasy #7-
Weird Science (DE) Weird Science #8-
1950The Crypt of Terror (DE) The Crypt of Terror #17-
1944The Joker's Double (DEC) Detective Comics #85-
The Triumph of Cholly the Chimp (EDC) Detective Comics #83-
1943Batman (E) Batman #16-
Quarterback of Crime (EDC) Detective Comics #82-
Slay 'Em With Flowers (DEC) Detective Comics #76-
1942Batman (E) Batman #12-
Detective Comics (E) Detective Comics #67-
Detective Comics (E) Detective Comics #66-
Detective Comics (E) Detective Comics #64-
Detective Comics (E) Detective Comics #60-
1941Batman (E) Batman #7-
Batman (E) Batman #4-
Captain America Comics (E) Captain America Comics #3-
Detective Comics (E) Detective Comics #58-
Detective Comics (E) Detective Comics #48-
World's Finest Comics (EC) World's Finest Comics #3-
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