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Macchio Ralph

sur bulledair.com : [18 albums] [45 p�riodiques] [90 en vo]

l�gende : S : Sc�nariste

ann�etitres�rie, # volumebullenote
2019Amazing Spider-Man : Going Big (S) -
Marvel Comics (S) Marvel Comics #1000-
2017Thor: Where Walk the Frost Giants (S) -
2010Avengers Prime (S) Avengers Prime #1-
2000X-Men : The Movie (S) -
1999Escape from Alcatraz (S) Uncanny X-Men #364-
1998Hidden hearts (S) Fantastic Four (v.III) #0.5-
1997Night (S) X-Men #60-
1996Tales from the Age of Apocalypse: By the Light (S) -
Wolverine Annual '96 (S) -
X-Man Annual '96 (S) -
ID4 : Independence Day (S) ID4 : Independence Day #2-
ID4 : Independence Day (S) ID4 : Independence Day #1-
Touched (S) X-Men #59-
Testament (S) X-Men #58-
1995X-Men Annual '95 (S) -
1989Super-Nova Saga : --Reckoning! (S) Avengers #303
Super-Nova Saga : Earth rocks! (S) Avengers #302
Super-Nova Saga : Super-Nova unbound! (S) Avengers #301
Inferno2 (S) Avengers #300
Solo Avengers (S) Solo Avengers #17-
Set ascending (S) The Mighty Thor Annual #14-
When ghosts can die, even gods must fear! (S) West Coast Avengers (v.II) #41-
I must go down to the sea again... (S) X-Factor Annual #4-
1988The world according to the Adaptoid! (S) Avengers #290-
The cube root! (S) Avengers #289
Heavy metal! (S) Avengers #288-
Invasion! (S) Avengers #287
Solo Avengers (S) Solo Avengers #13-
Solo Avengers (S) Solo Avengers #12-
1987The fix is on! (S) Avengers #286-
1986Wings in the night! (S) Solomon Kane #6-
Hills of the dead (S) Solomon Kane #5-
The Prophet! (S) Solomon Kane #4-
Blades of the brotherhood (S) Solomon Kane #3-
1985Dune (S) Dune #3-
Dune (S) Dune #2-
Dune (S) Dune #1-
And faith, undying... (S) Solomon Kane #2-
Red shadows (S) Solomon Kane #1-
1984The Widow... Alone (S) Marvel Fanfare #13-
The Web Tightens! (S) Marvel Fanfare #12-
Dune (S) Marvel Super Special #36-
1983Back in the U.S.S.R. (S) Marvel Fanfare #11-
Widow - With Friends Like These... (S) Marvel Fanfare #10-
1982War and remembrance (S) Iron Man Annual #5
1981Bizarre Adventures (S) Bizarre Adventures #25-
Pipeline through infinity (S) Marvel Two-In-One #73-
The might of Maelstrom (S) Marvel Two-In-One #72-
The cure! (S) Marvel Two-In-One #71-
Acts of destruction (S) Thor #314-
Serpent from the heavens (S) Thor #313-
The judgment of Tyr (S) Thor #312-
Grief more than a god may bear (S) Thor #311-
Wings in the night! (S) Thor #307-
Fury of the Firelord! (S) Thor #306-
Hark, the herald angel lives! (S) Thor #305-
Reckless! (S) Thor #304-
1980A moving experience (S) Marvel Two-In-One #70-
Homecoming! (S) Marvel Two-In-One #69-
Discos and dungeons! (S) Marvel Two-In-One #68-
Passport to oblivion! (S) Marvel Two-In-One #67-
The Serpent Crown Affair! : A congress of crowns! (S) Marvel Two-In-One #66-
The Serpent Crown Affair! : Serpents from the sea (S) Marvel Two-In-One #65-
The Serpent Crown Affair! : From the depths (S) Marvel Two-In-One #64-
Happiness is a warm alien! (S) Marvel Two-In-One #60-
Trial and error! (S) Marvel Two-In-One #59-
Vengeance is mine, sayeth the sword (S) Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #2-
The shape of things to kill! (S) Thor #302-
For the life of Asgard! (S) Thor #301-
Twilight of the gods! (S) Thor #300-
Dragon's blood! (S) Thor #298-
What if Spider-Man Had Rescued Gwen Stacy? (S) What if #24-
1979The Man Who Knew Stephen Sanders! (S) Doctor Strange (v.II) #36-
Of Knights -- and Pawns (S) Doctor Strange (v.II) #35-
A Midsummer's Nightmare! (S) Doctor Strange (v.II) #34-
All My Dreams Against Me (S) Doctor Strange (v.II) #33-
The Pegasus Project : To the Nth power! (S) Marvel Two-In-One #58-
The Pegasus Project : When walks Wundarr! (S) Marvel Two-In-One #57-
The Pegasus Project : The deadlier of the species! (S) Marvel Two-In-One #56-
The Pegasus Project : Giants in the Earth (S) Marvel Two-In-One #55-
The Pegasus Project : Blood and bionics (S) Marvel Two-In-One #54-
The Pegasus Project : The inner war! (S) Marvel Two-In-One #53-
Rites of passage (S) Thor #282-
This hammer lost! (S) Thor #281-
1978The smoke of that great burning! (S) Marvel Team-Up #75-
The day the world winds down (S) Marvel Two-In-One #43-
Entropy, entropy.. (S) Marvel Two-In-One #42-
1977Peril Of The Plantman! (S) Spidey Super Stories #27-
Trapped by the Collector! (S) Spidey Super Stories #24-
coin bordure coin