ann�e | | titre | s�rie, # volume | bullenote |
2018 | | Captain America (D) | Captain America #700 | - |
2017 | | Thor: Where Walk the Frost Giants (D) | | - |
2015 | | S.H.I.E.L.D. (D) | S.H.I.E.L.D. (v.III) #9 | - |
2011 | | Captain America And The First Thirteen (D) | | - |
2010 | | Thor Giant-Size Finale (D) | | - |
| | Steve Rogers : Super-Soldier (DSE) | Steve Rogers : Super-Soldier #1 | - |
| | The Coming Storm (D) | Thor : First Thunder #1 | - |
2009 | | Marvel TV : Galactus - The Real Story (D) | | - |
| | Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special (DE) | | - |
| | Mystic Comics 70th Anniversary Special (DSE) | | - |
| | Eternals Annual (DS) | Eternals Annual (v.II) #1 | - |
| | Eternals Annual (DS) | Eternals Annual (v.IV) #1 | - |
| | Victory (D) | Thor #600 | - |
2008 | | Fantastic Four : The Lost Adventure (D) | | - |
| | Hulk v. Fin Fang Foom (D) | | - |
| | Love is a Battlefield! (D) | Avengers Classic #8 | - |
| | Dimension 6.5 (D) | Avengers Classic #7 | - |
| | Stings (D) | Avengers Classic #6 | - |
2007 | | Stan Lee meets Dr Doom (D) | | - |
| | The Wolf and the Other (D) | Avengers Classic #5 | - |
| | Blues in the Night (D) | Avengers Classic #4 | - |
| | Crack In The Armor! (D) | Avengers Classic #3 | - |
| | The Avengers battle... the Space Phantom (D) | Avengers Classic #2 | - |
| | The coming of the Avengers ! (D) | Avengers Classic #1 | - |
| | Planet Hulk: Allegiance (D) | Incredible Hulk (v.III) #100 | |
| | Good or Evil? (D) | Jack Kirby's Galactic Bounty Hunters #6 | - |
| | Challenge (D) | Jack Kirby's Galactic Bounty Hunters #5 | - |
| | Relay's Race (D) | Jack Kirby's Galactic Bounty Hunters #4 | - |
2006 | | Stan Lee meets The Thing (D) | | - |
| | Strange Westerns starring the Black Rider (D) | | - |
| | Western Legends (D) | | - |
| | Kid Colt and Arizona Girl (D) | | - |
| | Two-Gun Kid (D) | | - |
| | Fantastic Four : 40th Wedding Anniversary Special (D) | | - |
| | Maniacal Menagerie (D) | Jack Kirby's Galactic Bounty Hunters #3 | - |
| | Last Resort (D) | Jack Kirby's Galactic Bounty Hunters #2 | - |
| | Capture: Ma Slugg (D) | Jack Kirby's Galactic Bounty Hunters #1 | - |
| | Love is a four-letter word (D) | Marvel Romance Redux #5 | - |
| | Restraining orders are for others (D) | Marvel Romance Redux #3 | - |
| | But I thought he loved me! (DE) | Marvel Romance Redux #1 | - |
2005 | | A Drive in the Country (DS) | Giant Size Invaders #2 | - |
| | Teamwork (SD) | Giant Size X-Men #3 | - |
| | The Fantastic Four meet the incredible Hulk! (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #12 | - |
| | Here is: The Impossible Man! (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #11 | - |
| | The return of Doctor Doom! (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #10 | - |
| | The end of the Fantastic Four (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #9 | - |
| | Prisoners of the Puppet Master! (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #8 | - |
2004 | | Chaos (D) | Avengers #503 | |
| | Invaders from Planet X (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #7 | - |
| | Captives of the Deadly Duo! (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #6 | - |
| | Prisoners of Doctor Doom (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #5 | - |
| | The coming of Sub-Mariner (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #4 | - |
| | The menace of the Miracle Man! (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #3 | - |
| | The Fantastic Four meet the Skrulls from outer space! (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #2 | - |
| | The Fantastic Four meet the Mole Man! (S) | Marvel Age Fantastic Four #1 | - |
2003 | | Cap America Lives again (D) | Captain America (v.IV) #17 | - |
2002 | | Captain America : Red, White and Blue (D) | | - |
| | A choice of Dooms (D) | Fantastic Four (v.III) #54 | - |
2001 | | The Once And Future King (D) | Black Panther (v.III) #36 | - |
| | Forever Kursed (D) | The Mighty Thor (v.II) #32 | - |
2000 | | New order (D) | Avengers (V.III) #27 | - |
1992 | | Murder by decree! (D) | Captain America #400 | - |
| | When gods make war! (E) | Thor #450 | - |
1991 | | At death do we part! (D) | Thor #432 | - |
1987 | | Volume one (D) | The Best Of Marvel Comics #1 | - |
1985 | | The Hunger Dogs (SD) | DC Graphic Novel #4 | - |
1984 | | The Angel of Death (SD) | Silver Star #6 | - |
1983 | | Super-Villain Classics (D) | | - |
| | The World According to Drumm! (SD) | Silver Star #5 | - |
| | The Super-Normals : Are They God's or Satan's Children? (DS) | Silver Star #4 | - |
| | The Others (DS) | Silver Star #3 | - |
| | Darius Drumm (SD) | Silver Star #2 | - |
| | Silver Star : Homo Geneticus (DS) | Silver Star #1 | - |
1981 | | Terror in a tiny town (D) | Fantastic Four #236 | - |
1978 | | The Silver Surfer : The Ultimate Cosmic Experience! (D) | | - |
| | The Kiber Clue (SD) | Black Panther #12 | - |
| | Kiber the Cruel (DS) | Black Panther #11 | - |
| | This World Shall Die! (DS) | Black Panther #10 | - |
| | Black Musketeers (DS) | Black Panther #9 | - |
| | Panthers or Pussycats? (SD) | Black Panther #8 | - |
| | Drums! (DS) | Black Panther #7 | - |
| | The Witch and the Warp (SD) | Devil Dinosaur #9 | - |
| | Dino-Riders (SD) | Devil Dinosaur #8 | - |
| | Demon-Tree! (SD) | Devil Dinosaur #7 | - |
| | Eev! (SD) | Devil Dinosaur #6 | - |
| | Journey To The Centre Of The Ants! (SD) | Devil Dinosaur #5 | - |
| | Object from the Sky (SD) | Devil Dinosaur #4 | - |
| | Giant (SD) | Devil Dinosaur #3 | - |
| | Devil's War! (SD) | Devil Dinosaur #2 | - |
| | Devil Dinosaur and Moon-Boy (SD) | Devil Dinosaur #1 | - |
| | The Pyramid (DS) | Eternals #19 | - |
| | In final battle! (DS) | Machine Man #9 | - |
| | Super-escape (DS) | Machine Man #8 | - |
| | With a nation against him! (DS) | Machine Man #7 | - |
| | Quick trick (DS) | Machine Man #6 | - |
| | Non-hero (DS) | Machine Man #5 | - |
| | Battle on a very busy street (DS) | Machine Man #4 | - |
| | Ten-For, the mean machine (DS) | Machine Man #3 | - |
| | House of nightmares (DS) | Machine Man #2 | - |
| | Machine Man (DS) | Machine Man #1 | - |
| | What if the Fantastic Four were the original Marvel Bullpen? (DS) | What if #11 | - |
1977 | | Hotline to Hades! (SD) | 2001 : A Space Odyssey #10 | - |
| | Mister Machine! (SD) | 2001 : A Space Odyssey #9 | - |
| | The Capture of X-51 (SD) | 2001 : A Space Odyssey #8 | - |
| | The New Seed! (SD) | 2001 : A Space Odyssey #7 | - |
| | Inter-Galactica (SD) | 2001 : A Space Odyssey #6 | - |
| | Norton of New York 2040 A.D. (SD) | 2001 : A Space Odyssey #5 | - |
| | Wheels of Death! (SD) | 2001 : A Space Odyssey #4 | - |
| | Marak! (SD) | 2001 : A Space Odyssey #3 | - |
| | Vira, the She-Demon! (SD) | 2001 : A Space Odyssey #2 | - |
| | A Cup of Youth (DS) | Black Panther #6 | - |
| | Quest for the Sacred Water-Skin!! (SD) | Black Panther #5 | - |
| | Friends or Foes (DS) | Black Panther #4 | - |
| | Race Against Time (SD) | Black Panther #3 | - |
| | The Six-Million Year Man (DS) | Black Panther #2 | - |
| | King Solomon's Frog! (SD) | Black Panther #1 | - |
| | The Human Torch meets... 'Captain America' (D) | Captain America #216 | - |
| | Power (SD) | Captain America #214 | - |
| | The Night Flyer! (SD) | Captain America #213 | - |
| | The face of a hero! (SD) | Captain America #212 | - |
| | Nazi 'X'! (SD) | Captain America #211 | - |
| | Showdown day! (SD) | Captain America #210 | - |
| | Arnim Zola -- the bio-fanatic!! (SD) | Captain America #209 | - |
| | The river of death! (SD) | Captain America #208 | - |
| | The tiger and the Swine!! (SD) | Captain America #207 | - |
| | Face to face with the Swine! (SD) | Captain America #206 | - |
| | Agron walks the Earth! (SD) | Captain America #205 | - |
| | The great mutant massacre! (DS) | Captain America Annual #4 | - |
| | To Kill a Space God (DS) | Eternals #18 | - |
| | Sersi the Terrible (DS) | Eternals #17 | - |
| | Big City Crypt (DS) | Eternals #16 | - |
| | Disaster Area (DS) | Eternals #15 | - |
| | Ikaris and the Cosmic Powered Hulk (DS) | Eternals #14 | - |
| | Astronauts! (DS) | Eternals #13 | - |
| | Uni-Mind! (DS) | Eternals #12 | - |
| | The Russians Are Coming! (DS) | Eternals #11 | - |
| | Mother! (DS) | Eternals #10 | - |
| | The Killing Machine!! (DS) | Eternals #9 | - |
| | The City of Toads (DS) | Eternals #8 | - |
| | The Fourth Host (DS) | Eternals #7 | - |
| | The Time Killers (SD) | Eternals Annual #1 | - |
| | The Torch that was! (D) | Fantastic Four #189 | - |
| | Bedlam in the Baxter Building! (D) | Fantastic Four #180 | - |
| | The Inhumans (DS) | The Inhumans #9 | - |
1976 | | Marvel Treasury Special : Captain America's Bicentennial Battles (DS) | | - |
| | Beast-Killer (SD) | 2001 : A Space Odyssey #1 | - |
| | Avengers assemble! (D) | Avengers #150 | - |
| | The unburied one! (SD) | Captain America #204 | - |
| | Alamo II! (SD) | Captain America #203 | - |
| | Mad, mad dimension! (SD) | Captain America #202 | - |
| | Madbomb Epilogue: The Night People! (SD) | Captain America #201 | - |
| | Madbomb : Dawn's early light! (SD) | Captain America #200 | - |
| | Madbomb : The man who sold the United States (SD) | Captain America #199 | - |
| | Madbomb : Captain America's love story (SD) | Captain America #198 | - |
| | Madbomb : The rocks are burning! (SD) | Captain America #197 | - |
| | Madbomb : Kill-derby (SD) | Captain America #196 | - |
| | Madbomb : 1984! (SD) | Captain America #195 | - |
| | Madbomb : The Trojan horde (SD) | Captain America #194 | - |
| | Madbomb : Screamer in the brain! (SD) | Captain America #193 | - |
| | The thing from the black hole star! (DS) | Captain America Annual #3 | - |
| | Gods and Men at City College! (DS) | Eternals #6 | - |
| | Olympia! (DS) | Eternals #5 | - |
| | The Night of the Demons! (DS) | Eternals #4 | - |
| | The Devil in New York! (DS) | Eternals #3 | - |
| | The Celestials! (DS) | Eternals #2 | - |
| | The Day of the Gods (DS) | Eternals #1 | - |
| | The Lizard Lords Of Los Lorraine! (DC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #40 | - |
| | The Airquarium! (DC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #39 | - |
| | Pyra Revealed (DC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #38 | - |
| | The Crater People! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #37 | - |
| | The answer at last! (D) | Thor #254 | - |
1975 | | Let there be... life! (D) | Giant Size Fantastic Four #6 | - |
| | Divide-- and conquer! (D) | Giant Size Fantastic Four #5 | - |
| | Madrox the Multiple Man! (D) | Giant Size Fantastic Four #4 | - |
| | ... Let All Men Bring Together (D) | Giant-Size Avengers #4 | - |
| | ... What Time Hath Put Asunder! (D) | Giant-Size Avengers #3 | - |
| | The Hotel! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #36 | - |
| | Soyuz Survivor! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #35 | - |
| | Pretty Pyra (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #34 | - |
| | Blood And Fire (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #33 | - |
| | Me (SD) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #32 | - |
| | The Gulliver Effect! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #31 | - |
| | U.F.O The Wildest Trip Ever! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #30 | - |
| | The Legend! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #29 | - |
| | Enforce The Atlantic Testament! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #28 | - |
| | Mad Marine! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #27 | - |
| | The Heights Of Abraham!! (SD) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #26 | - |
| | Freak Show! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #25 | - |
| | OMAC (SD) | OMAC #8 | - |
| | OMAC (SD) | OMAC #7 | - |
| | OMAC (SD) | OMAC #6 | - |
| | New Bodies for Old!! (SD) | OMAC #5 | - |
| | OMAC (DS) | OMAC #4 | - |
| | OMAC (DS) | OMAC #3 | - |
| | Claws of the Dragon (D) | Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter #3 | - |
1974 | | Where lurks Death... ride the Four Horseman! (D) | Giant Size Fantastic Four #3 | - |
| | Cataclysm! (D) | Giant Size Fantastic Four #2 | - |
| | Spider-Man and Dracula (D) | Giant Size Spider-Man #1 | - |
| | A Blast From the Past! (D) | Giant-Size Avengers #2 | - |
| | The Way They Were! (DS) | Giant-Size Defenders #1 | - |
| | The Exorcism! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #24 | - |
| | Kamandi And Goliath!! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #23 | - |
| | The Red Baron! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #22 | - |
| | The Fish! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #21 | - |
| | The Electric Chair! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #20 | - |
| | The Last Gang In Chicago! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #19 | - |
| | The Eater! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #18 | - |
| | The Human Gophers Of Ohio! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #17 | - |
| | The Hospital! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #16 | - |
| | The Watergate Secrets! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #15 | - |
| | Winner Take All! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #14 | - |
| | Hell At Hialeah! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #13 | - |
| | Mister Miracle (DS) | Mister Miracle #18 | - |
| | Blood-Brother Eye (DS) | OMAC #2 | - |
| | OMAC (DS) | OMAC #1 | - |
| | Immortal Enemy! (SD) | The Demon #16 | - |
1973 | | Bedlam at the Baxter Building! (D) | Fantastic Four Annual #10 | - |
| | The Devil And Mister Sacker! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #12 | - |
| | The Devil! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #11 | - |
| | The Killer Germ! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #10 | - |
| | Tracking Site! (SDC) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #9 | - |
| | The Return Of Ben Boxer! (SD) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #8 | - |
| | This Is The World Of Kamandi The Last Boy On Earth! (SD) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #7 | - |
| | Flower! (SD) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #6 | - |
| | The One-Armed Bandit! (SD) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #5 | - |
| | The Devil's Arena! (SD) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #4 | - |
| | The Thing That Grew On The Moon! (SD) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #3 | - |
| | Prelude to disaster! (D) | Marvel Feature #8 | - |
| | Mister Miracle (DS) | Mister Miracle #17 | - |
| | Shilo Norman, Super Trouble (DS) | Mister Miracle #16 | - |
| | The Secret Gun (DS) | Mister Miracle #15 | - |
| | The Quick And The Dead (DS) | Mister Miracle #14 | - |
| | The Dictator's Dungeon (DS) | Mister Miracle #13 | - |
| | Mystivac! (DS) | Mister Miracle #12 | - |
| | The One Who Vanished!! (SD) | The Demon #15 | - |
| | Witchboy (SD) | The Demon #14 | - |
| | The Night of the Demon! (SD) | The Demon #13 | - |
| | Rebirth of Evil! (SD) | The Demon #12 | - |
| | Baron von Evilstein (SD) | The Demon #11 | - |
| | The Thing That Screams (SD) | The Demon #10 | - |
| | Whatever Happened to Farley Fairfax?!! (SD) | The Demon #9 | - |
| | Phantom of the Sewers (SD) | The Demon #8 | - |
| | A Witchboy!! (SD) | The Demon #7 | - |
| | The Howler! (SD) | The Demon #6 | - |
| | Merlin's Word... Demon's Wrath! (SD) | The Demon #5 | - |
1972 | | Kang the Conqueror & The Avengers Meet the Spider-man (D) | Avengers Annual #5 | - |
| | Captain America Annual (D) | Captain America Annual #2 | - |
| | Devilance The Pursuer (SD) | Forever People #11 | - |
| | The Scavengers! (SD) | Forever People #10 | - |
| | Monster in the Morgue! (DS) | Forever People #9 | - |
| | The Power! (DS) | Forever People #8 | - |
| | I'll Find You In Yesterday! (SD) | Forever People #7 | - |
| | Year Of The Rat! (SD) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #2 | - |
| | The Last Boy On Earth! (SD) | Kamandi, The Last Boy On Earth #1 | - |
| | The Hounds of Helios (SDE) | Marvel Premiere #2 | - |
| | The Greatest Show Off Earth! (DS) | Mister Miracle #11 | - |
| | The Mister Miracle To Be (DS) | Mister Miracle #10 | - |
| | Himon! (DS) | Mister Miracle #9 | - |
| | The Battle Of The Id (DS) | Mister Miracle #8 | - |
| | Apokolips Trap (DSE) | Mister Miracle #7 | - |
| | Funky Flashman (DS) | Mister Miracle #6 | - |
| | Monarch Of All He Subdues! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #148 | - |
| | A Superman In Super-Town! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #147 | - |
| | Homo-Disastrous! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #146 | - |
| | Brigadoom! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #145 | - |
| | A Big Thing In A Deep Scottish Lake! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #144 | - |
| | The Creature from the Beyond (SD) | The Demon #4 | - |
| | Reincarnators (SD) | The Demon #3 | - |
| | My Tomb in Castle Branek! (SD) | The Demon #2 | - |
| | Unleash the One Who Waits (SD) | The Demon #1 | - |
| | The Incredible Hulk Special (D) | The Incredible Hulk Special #4 | - |
| | Darkseid and Sons! (SD) | The New Gods #11 | - |
| | Earth --- The Doomed Dominion (SD) | The New Gods #10 | - |
| | The Bug (SDE) | The New Gods #9 | - |
| | The Death Wish of Terrible Turpin (SDE) | The New Gods #8 | - |
| | The Pact! (SDE) | The New Gods #7 | - |
1971 | | Amazing Adventures (DS) | Amazing Adventures (v.II) #4 | - |
| | The Invasion of the Lava Men & Meet the Masters of Evil (D) | Avengers Annual #4 | - |
| | Captain America Annual (D) | Captain America Annual #1 | - |
| | The monstrous mystery of the Nega-Man! (D) | Fantastic Four #108 | - |
| | Lo! There shall be an ending! (D) | Fantastic Four Annual #9 | - |
| | The Omega Effect! (SD) | Forever People #6 | - |
| | Sonny Sumo (DS) | Forever People #5 | - |
| | The Kingdom of the Damned (SD) | Forever People #4 | - |
| | Live Vs. Anti-Life! (SD) | Forever People #3 | - |
| | Super War! (SD) | Forever People #2 | - |
| | In Search Of A Dream! (SD) | Forever People #1 | - |
| | King-Size Special The Incredible Hulk (D) | King-Size Special The Incredible Hulk #3 | - |
| | Murder Machine (DS) | Mister Miracle #5 | - |
| | The Closing Jaws Of Death (DSE) | Mister Miracle #4 | - |
| | The Paranoid Pill! (DS) | Mister Miracle #3 | - |
| | X-Pit (DS) | Mister Miracle #2 | - |
| | Murder Missile Trap! (DS) | Mister Miracle #1 | - |
| | Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (D) | Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #18 | - |
| | Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (D) | Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #17 | - |
| | Genocide Spray! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #143 | - |
| | The Man From Transilvane! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #142 | - |
| | Will The Real Don Rickles Panic?!? (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #141 | - |
| | The Guardian Fights Again!!! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #139 | - |
| | The Big Boom!! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #138 | - |
| | The Four-Armed Terror! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #137 | - |
| | The Saga of the DNAliens (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #136 | - |
| | Evil Factory! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #135 | - |
| | The Mighty Thor Annual (D) | The Mighty Thor Annual #4 | - |
| | The Mighty Thor Annual (D) | The Mighty Thor Annual #3 | - |
| | The Glory Boat!! (SDE) | The New Gods #6 | - |
| | Spawn (DSE) | The New Gods #5 | - |
| | O'Ryan Gang And The Deep Six (DSE) | The New Gods #4 | - |
| | Death Is The Black Racer! (SD) | The New Gods #3 | - |
| | O' Deadly Darkseid (SD) | The New Gods #2 | - |
| | Orion Fights For Earth (SD) | The New Gods #1 | - |
| | This fatal fury! (D) | Thor #194 | - |
| | Uncanny X-Men (DS) | Uncanny X-Men #70 | - |
| | Uncanny X-Men (DS) | Uncanny X-Men #69 | - |
| | Uncanny X-Men (DS) | Uncanny X-Men #68 | - |
1970 | | Amazing Adventures (DS) | Amazing Adventures (v.II) #3 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (DS) | Amazing Adventures (v.II) #2 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (DS) | Amazing Adventures (v.II) #1 | - |
| | Astonishing Tales (D) | Astonishing Tales #2 | - |
| | Astonishing Tales (D) | Astonishing Tales #1 | - |
| | Night of the Gargoyle! (D) | Chamber of Darkness #7 | - |
| | ... And Fear Shall Follow! (DS) | Chamber of Darkness #5 | - |
| | And The Monster Man Came Walking -- Walking -- (DS) | Chamber of Darkness #4 | - |
| | The strength of the Sub-Mariner (D) | Fantastic Four #102 | - |
| | Bedlam in the Baxter Building! (D) | Fantastic Four #101 | - |
| | The long journey home! (D) | Fantastic Four #100 | - |
| | The Torch goes wild! (D) | Fantastic Four #99 | - |
| | Mystery on the Moon! (D) | Fantastic Four #98 | - |
| | The monster from the lost lagoon! (D) | Fantastic Four #97 | - |
| | The Mad Thinker and his androids of death! (D) | Fantastic Four #96 | - |
| | Tomorrow -- World War Three! (D) | Fantastic Four #95 | - |
| | The return of the Frightful Four! (D) | Fantastic Four #94 | - |
| | Sub-Mariner versus the human race! (D) | Fantastic Four Annual #8 | - |
| | Iron Man Annual (D) | Iron Man Annual #1 | - |
| | Ka-Zar (D) | Ka-Zar #2 | - |
| | Ka-Zar (DS) | Ka-Zar #1 | - |
| | Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (D) | Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #16 | - |
| | The Mountain of Judgment (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #134 | - |
| | Jimmy Olsen Superman's Pal Brings Back the Newsboy Legion! (DS) | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #133 | - |
| | To smash the Inhumans! (D) | The Silver Surfer #18 | |
| | No more the thunder god! (D) | Thor #179 | - |
| | To end in flames! (D) | Thor #177 | - |
| | Inferno! (D) | Thor #176 | - |
| | The fall of Asgard! (D) | Thor #175 | - |
| | The carnage of the Crypto-Man! (D) | Thor #174 | - |
| | Ulik unleashed! (D) | Thor #173 | - |
| | The immortal and the mind-slave! (D) | Thor #172 | - |
| | Uncanny X-Men (DS) | Uncanny X-Men #67 | - |
| | Enter, the Avengers! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men Annual #1 | - |
1969 | | Captain America Joins ...The Avengers! (D) | Avengers Annual #3 | - |
| | Lest we forget! (D) | Captain America #112 | - |
| | The hero that was! (D) | Captain America #109 | - |
| | At the mercy of Torgo! (D) | Fantastic Four #93 | - |
| | Ben Grimm, killer (D) | Fantastic Four #92 | - |
| | The Thing -- Enslaved! (D) | Fantastic Four #91 | - |
| | The Skrull takes a slave! (D) | Fantastic Four #90 | - |
| | The madness of the Mole Man! (D) | Fantastic Four #89 | - |
| | A house there was! (D) | Fantastic Four #88 | - |
| | The power and the pride! (D) | Fantastic Four #87 | - |
| | The victims! (D) | Fantastic Four #86 | - |
| | Within this tortured land (D) | Fantastic Four #85 | - |
| | The name is Doom! (D) | Fantastic Four #84 | - |
| | Shall man survive? (D) | Fantastic Four #83 | - |
| | The mark of-- the madman! (D) | Fantastic Four #82 | - |
| | The Fantastic Four meet the Mole Man! (D) | Fantastic Four Annual #7 | - |
| | King-Size Special The Incredible Hulk (D) | King-Size Special The Incredible Hulk #2 | - |
| | Marvel Super-Heroes (SD) | Marvel Super-Heroes #23 | - |
| | The Sinister Six! (D) | The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #6 | - |
| | The wrath of the Wrecker! (D) | Thor #171 | - |
| | The thunder god and the Thermal Man! (D) | Thor #170 | - |
| | The awesome answer! (D) | Thor #169 | - |
| | Galactus found! (D) | Thor #168 | - |
| | This world renounced! (D) | Thor #167 | - |
| | A god berserk! (D) | Thor #166 | - |
| | Him! (D) | Thor #165 | - |
| | Lest mankind fall! (D) | Thor #164 | - |
| | Where dwell the demons! (D) | Thor #163 | - |
| | Galactus is born! (D) | Thor #162 | - |
| | Shall a god prevail? (D) | Thor #161 | - |
| | And now... Galactus! (D) | Thor #160 | - |
1968 | | The snares of the Trapster! (D) | Captain America #108 | - |
| | If the past be not dead-- (D) | Captain America #107 | - |
| | Cap goes wild! (D) | Captain America #106 | - |
| | In the name of Batroc! (D) | Captain America #105 | - |
| | Slave of the Skull! (D) | Captain America #104 | - |
| | The weakest link! (D) | Captain America #103 | - |
| | The Sleeper strikes! (D) | Captain America #102 | - |
| | When wakes the Sleeper! (D) | Captain America #101 | - |
| | This monster unmasked! (D) | Captain America #100 | - |
| | Enter-- the exquisite elemental! (D) | Fantastic Four #81 | - |
| | Where treads the Living Totem! (D) | Fantastic Four #80 | - |
| | A monster forever? (D) | Fantastic Four #79 | - |
| | The Thing no more! (D) | Fantastic Four #78 | - |
| | Shall Earth endure? (D) | Fantastic Four #77 | |
| | Stranded in Sub-Atomica! (D) | Fantastic Four #76 | |
| | Worlds within worlds! (D) | Fantastic Four #75 | |
| | When calls Galactus (D) | Fantastic Four #74 | |
| | The flames of battle-- (D) | Fantastic Four #73 | - |
| | Where soars the Silver Surfer! (D) | Fantastic Four #72 | |
| | ...And so it ends... (D) | Fantastic Four #71 | - |
| | When fall the mighty (D) | Fantastic Four #70 | - |
| | Let there be... life! (D) | Fantastic Four Annual #6 | - |
| | The Reprehensible Riddle of... The Sorcerer! (DE) | Marvel Super-Heroes #14 | - |
| | Where stalks the Sentry! (DS) | Marvel Super-Heroes #13 | - |
| | At the mercy of the Maggia (D) | Tales Of Suspense #99 | - |
| | The claws of the Panther! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #98 | - |
| | The coming of... Whiplash! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #97 | - |
| | The answer at last! (D) | Thor #159 | - |
| | The way it was! (D) | Thor #158 | - |
| | Behind him... Ragnarok! (D) | Thor #157 | - |
| | The hammer and the holocaust! (D) | Thor #156 | - |
| | Now ends the universe! (D) | Thor #155 | - |
| | ...To wake the Mangog! (D) | Thor #154 | - |
| | But Dr. Blake can die! (D) | Thor #153 | - |
| | The dilemma of Dr. Blake! (D) | Thor #152 | - |
| | ...To rise again! (D) | Thor #151 | - |
| | Even in death... (D) | Thor #150 | - |
| | When falls a hero! (D) | Thor #149 | - |
| | Let there be... chaos! (D) | Thor #148 | - |
1967 | | By Ben betrayed! (D) | Fantastic Four #69 | - |
| | His mission: Destroy the Fantastic Four! (D) | Fantastic Four #68 | - |
| | When opens the cocoon! (D) | Fantastic Four #67 | - |
| | What lurks behind the Beehive? (D) | Fantastic Four #66 | - |
| | --From beyond this planet Earth! (D) | Fantastic Four #65 | - |
| | The Sentry sinister! (D) | Fantastic Four #64 | - |
| | Blastaar, the living bomb-burst! (D) | Fantastic Four #63 | - |
| | ...And one shall save him! (D) | Fantastic Four #62 | - |
| | Where stalks the Sandman? (D) | Fantastic Four #61 | |
| | The peril and the power! (D) | Fantastic Four #60 | |
| | Doomsday (D) | Fantastic Four #59 | |
| | The dismal dregs of defeat! (D) | Fantastic Four #58 | |
| | Divide-- and conquer! (SD) | Fantastic Four Annual #5 | |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #153 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #152 | - |
| | The deadly victory! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #96 | - |
| | If a man be stone! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #95 | - |
| | The tragedy and the triumph! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #94 | - |
| | The golden gladiator and... the giant! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #93 | - |
| | Within the vastness of Viet Nam! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #92 | - |
| | Death duel for the life of Happy Hogan! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #86 | - |
| | Into the jaws of death (D) | Tales Of Suspense #85 | - |
| | The wrath of Odin! (D) | Thor #147 | - |
| | If the thunder be gone! (D) | Thor #146 | - |
| | Abandoned on Earth! (D) | Thor #145 | - |
| | This battleground Earth! (D) | Thor #144 | - |
| | And, soon shall come: the Enchanters! (D) | Thor #143 | - |
| | The scourge of the Super Skrull! (D) | Thor #142 | - |
| | The wrath of Replicus (D) | Thor #141 | - |
| | The growing man! (D) | Thor #140 | - |
| | To die like a god! (D) | Thor #139 | - |
| | The flames of battle! (D) | Thor #138 | - |
| | The thunder god and the troll! (D) | Thor #137 | - |
| | To become an immortal! (D) | Thor #136 | - |
1966 | | The secret of Ka-Zar's origin! (D) | Daredevil #13 | - |
| | Sightless, in a Savage Land! (D) | Daredevil #12 | - |
| | Enter... Dr. Doom! (D) | Fantastic Four #57 | |
| | Klaw the murderous Master of Sound! (D) | Fantastic Four #56 | |
| | When strikes the Silver Surfer! (D) | Fantastic Four #55 | |
| | Whosoever finds the Evil Eye--! (D) | Fantastic Four #54 | - |
| | The way it began..! (D) | Fantastic Four #53 | - |
| | The Black Panther! (D) | Fantastic Four #52 | - |
| | This man... this monster! (D) | Fantastic Four #51 | |
| | The startling saga of the Silver Surfer! (D) | Fantastic Four #50 | |
| | If this be Doomsday! (D) | Fantastic Four #49 | |
| | The coming of Galactus! (D) | Fantastic Four #48 | |
| | Beware the Hidden Land! (D) | Fantastic Four #47 | - |
| | Those who would destroy us! (D) | Fantastic Four #46 | - |
| | The Torch that was! (D) | Fantastic Four Annual #4 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #125 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #124 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #151 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #150 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #149 | - |
| | Strange Tales (SD) | Strange Tales #148 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #147 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #146 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #145 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #144 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #143 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #142 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #141 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #140 | - |
| | The other Iron Man! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #84 | - |
| | Victory! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #83 | - |
| | By force of arms! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #82 | - |
| | The return of the Titanium Man! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #81 | - |
| | When fall the mighty! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #80 | - |
| | Disaster! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #79 | - |
| | Crescendo! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #78 | - |
| | Ultimo lives! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #77 | - |
| | The fury of... the Freak! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #75 | - |
| | If this guilt be mine--! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #74 | - |
| | My life for yours! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #73 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #84 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #83 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #82 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #81 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #80 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #79 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #78 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #77 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #76 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #75 | - |
| | The Mighty Thor Annual (D) | The Mighty Thor Annual #2 | - |
| | The maddening menace of the Super-Beast! (D) | Thor #135 | - |
| | The people-breeders! (D) | Thor #134 | - |
| | Behold... the Living Planet! (D) | Thor #133 | - |
| | Rigel Where gods may fear to tread! (D) | Thor #132 | - |
| | They strike from space! (D) | Thor #131 | - |
| | Thunder in the netherworld! (D) | Thor #130 | - |
| | The verdict of Zeus! (D) | Thor #129 | - |
| | The power of Pluto! (D) | Thor #128 | - |
| | The hammer and the holocaust! (D) | Thor #127 | - |
| | Whom the gods would destroy! (D) | Thor #126 | - |
| | ...And none shall survive! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #17 | |
| | The supreme sacrifice! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #16 | |
1965 | | Four against the Minotaur! (D) | Avengers #17 | - |
| | The old order changeth! (D) | Avengers #16 | - |
| | Now, by my hand, shall die a villain! (D) | Avengers #15 | - |
| | Even Avengers can die! (D) | Avengers #14 | - |
| | Among us hide... the Inhumans (D) | Fantastic Four #45 | - |
| | The gentleman's name is Gorgon! (D) | Fantastic Four #44 | - |
| | Lo! There shall be an ending! (D) | Fantastic Four #43 | - |
| | To save you, why must I kill you? (D) | Fantastic Four #42 | - |
| | The brutal betrayal of Ben Grimm! (D) | Fantastic Four #41 | - |
| | The battle of the Baxter Building (D) | Fantastic Four #40 | - |
| | A blind man shall lead them! (D) | Fantastic Four #39 | - |
| | Defeated by the Frightful Four! (D) | Fantastic Four #38 | - |
| | Behold! A distant star! (D) | Fantastic Four #37 | - |
| | The Frightful Four! (D) | Fantastic Four #36 | - |
| | Calamity on the campus! (D) | Fantastic Four #35 | - |
| | A house divided! (D) | Fantastic Four #34 | - |
| | Bedlam at the Baxter Building! (D) | Fantastic Four Annual #3 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #123 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #122 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #121 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #120 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #119 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #118 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #117 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #116 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #115 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #114 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #113 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #112 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery Annual (D) | Journey into Mystery Annual #1 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #139 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #138 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #137 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #135 | - |
| | Hoorah for the conquering hero! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #72 | - |
| | What price victory? (D) | Tales Of Suspense #71 | - |
| | Fight on! For a world is watching! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #70 | - |
| | If I must die, let it be with honor! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #69 | - |
| | If a man be mad! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #68 | - |
| | Where walk the villains! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #67 | - |
| | If I fail, a world is lost! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #66 | - |
| | When titans clash! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #65 | - |
| | Hawkeye and the new Black Widow strike again! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #64 | - |
| | Somewhere lurks the Phantom! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #63 | - |
| | The origin of the Mandarin! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #62 | - |
| | The death of Tony Stark! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #61 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #74 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #73 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #72 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #71 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #70 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #69 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #68 | - |
| | Prisoners of the mysterious Master Mold! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #15 | |
| | Among us stalk ... the Sentinels! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #14 | |
| | Where walks the Juggernaut! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #13 | |
| | The origin of Professor X! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #12 | |
| | The triumph of Magneto! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #11 | |
| | The coming of... Ka-Zar! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #10 | |
| | Enter, the Avengers! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #9 | |
1964 | | Kang, the Conqueror! (D) | Avengers #8 | - |
| | Their darkest hour! (D) | Avengers #7 | - |
| | The mighty Avengers meet the Masters of Evil! (D) | Avengers #6 | - |
| | The invasion of the Lava Men! (D) | Avengers #5 | - |
| | Captain America joins... the Avengers! (D) | Avengers #4 | - |
| | The Avengers meet... Sub-Mariner! (D) | Avengers #3 | - |
| | Side-by-side with Sub-Mariner! (D) | Fantastic Four #33 | - |
| | Death of a hero! (D) | Fantastic Four #32 | - |
| | The mad menace of the macabre Mole Man! (D) | Fantastic Four #31 | - |
| | The dreaded Diablo! (D) | Fantastic Four #30 | - |
| | It started on Yancy Street! (D) | Fantastic Four #29 | - |
| | We have to fight the X-Men! (D) | Fantastic Four #28 | - |
| | The search for Sub-Mariner! (D) | Fantastic Four #27 | - |
| | The Avengers take over! (D) | Fantastic Four #26 | - |
| | The battle of the century, The Hulk vs. the Thing (D) | Fantastic Four #25 | - |
| | The Infant Terrible! (D) | Fantastic Four #24 | - |
| | The master plan of Doctor Doom! (D) | Fantastic Four #23 | - |
| | The return of the Mole Man! (D) | Fantastic Four #22 | - |
| | The fantastic origin of Doctor Doom! (D) | Fantastic Four Annual #2 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #111 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #110 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #109 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #108 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #107 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #106 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #105 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #104 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #103 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #102 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #101 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #100 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #120 | - |
| | Suspected of murder! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #60 | - |
| | The Black Knight! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #59 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #51 | - |
| | The terrible threat of the Living Brain! (D) | The Amazing Spider-Man #8 | - |
| | The uncanny threat of ... Unus, the Untouchable! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #8 | |
| | The return of the Blob (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #7 | |
| | Sub-Mariner! Joins the evil mutants (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #6 | |
| | Trapped: One X-Man! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #5 | |
| | The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #4 | |
| | Beware of the Blob! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #3 | |
1963 | | The Avengers battle... the Space Phantom (D) | Avengers #2 | - |
| | The coming of the Avengers ! (D) | Avengers #1 | - |
| | The Hate-Monger! (D) | Fantastic Four #21 | - |
| | The mysterious Molecule Man! (D) | Fantastic Four #20 | - |
| | Prisoners of the Pharaoh! (D) | Fantastic Four #19 | - |
| | A Skrull walks among us! (D) | Fantastic Four #18 | - |
| | Defeated by Doctor Doom! (D) | Fantastic Four #17 | - |
| | The micro-world of Doctor Doom! (D) | Fantastic Four #16 | - |
| | The Mad Thinker and his awesome android! (D) | Fantastic Four #15 | - |
| | Sub-Mariner and the merciless Puppet Master (D) | Fantastic Four #14 | - |
| | The Red Ghost and his indescribable Super-Apes! (D) | Fantastic Four #13 | |
| | The incredible Hulk (D) | Fantastic Four #12 | |
| | The Impossible Man (D) | Fantastic Four #11 | |
| | The return of Doctor Doom! (D) | Fantastic Four #10 | |
| | Sub-Mariner versus the human race! (D) | Fantastic Four Annual #1 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #99 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #98 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #97 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #93 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #89 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #88 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #114 | - |
| | Strange Tales Annual (D) | Strange Tales Annual #2 | - |
| | Iron Man versus Kala, queen of the netherworld! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #43 | - |
| | The stronghold of Doctor Strange! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #41 | - |
| | Iron Man versus Gargantus! (D) | Tales Of Suspense #40 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #50 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #49 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #44 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #39 | - |
| | Beauty and the beast! (D) | The Incredible Hulk #5 | - |
| | No one can stop the Vanisher! (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #2 | |
| | X-Men (SD) | Uncanny X-Men #1 | |
1962 | | The end of the Fantastic Four! (D) | Fantastic Four #9 | |
| | Prisoners of the Puppet Master! (D) | Fantastic Four #8 | |
| | Prisoners of Kurrgo, master of Planet X (D) | Fantastic Four #7 | |
| | Captives of the Deadly Duo! (D) | Fantastic Four #6 | |
| | Prisoners of Doctor Doom! (D) | Fantastic Four #5 | |
| | The coming of... Sub-Mariner! (D) | Fantastic Four #4 | |
| | The menace of the Miracle Man (D) | Fantastic Four #3 | |
| | The Fantastic Four meet the Skrulls from outer space! (D) | Fantastic Four #2 | |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #87 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #86 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #85 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #84 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #83 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #80 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #77 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #76 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #94 | - |
| | Strange Tales Annual (D) | Strange Tales Annual #1 | - |
| | Tales Of Suspense (D) | Tales Of Suspense #35 | - |
| | Tales Of Suspense (D) | Tales Of Suspense #33 | - |
| | Tales Of Suspense (D) | Tales Of Suspense #31 | - |
| | Tales Of Suspense (D) | Tales Of Suspense #30 | - |
| | Tales Of Suspense (D) | Tales Of Suspense #27 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #38 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #35 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #32 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #27 | - |
| | The monster and the machine! (D) | The Incredible Hulk #4 | - |
| | Banished to outer space (D) | The Incredible Hulk #3 | - |
| | The terror of the Toad Men (D) | The Incredible Hulk #2 | - |
| | The coming of the Hulk (D) | The Incredible Hulk #1 | - |
1961 | | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #6 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #6 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #5 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #5 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #4 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #4 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #3 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #3 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #2 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #2 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #1 | - |
| | Amazing Adventures (D) | Amazing Adventures #1 | - |
| | The Fantastic Four! (D) | Fantastic Four #1 | |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #72 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #70 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #69 | - |
| | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #67 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #90 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #89 | - |
| | Tales Of Suspens (D) | Tales Of Suspense #23 | - |
| | Tales Of Suspense (D) | Tales Of Suspense #19 | - |
| | Tales of Suspense (D) | Tales Of Suspense #15 | - |
| | Tales Of Suspense (D) | Tales Of Suspense #13 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #26 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #15 | - |
1960 | | Journey into Mystery (D) | Journey into Mystery #62 | - |
| | Strange Tales (D) | Strange Tales #73 | - |
| | Tales Of Suspense (D) | Tales Of Suspense #12 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #13 | - |
| | Tales to Astonish (D) | Tales to Astonish #11 | - |
1959 | | Journey into Mystery (DS) | Journey into Mystery #51 | - |
1944 | | The Joker's Double (D) | Detective Comics #85 | - |
| | The Triumph of Cholly the Chimp (DS) | Detective Comics #83 | - |
1943 | | Quarterback of Crime (DS) | Detective Comics #82 | - |
| | Slay 'Em With Flowers (S) | Detective Comics #76 | - |
1942 | | Detective Comics (DS) | Detective Comics #67 | - |
| | Detective Comics (DS) | Detective Comics #66 | - |
| | Detective Comics (DS) | Detective Comics #64 | - |
1941 | | Captain America Comics (DSE) | Captain America Comics #4 | - |
| | Captain America Comics (DSE) | Captain America Comics #3 | - |
| | Captain America Comics (DSE) | Captain America Comics #2 | - |
| | Captain America Comics (DSE) | Captain America Comics #1 | - |
1940 | | Red Raven Comics (DES) | Red Raven Comics #1 | - |