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© Marvel (US)

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[VO] Flight of Angels?
ScénarioClaremont Chris
DessinGrummett Tom
EncreurCifuentes Vicente
CouleursQuintana Wil
CouvertureWilliams David
Date02 mars 2009
EditeurMarvel (US)
SérieNew Exiles Annual, numéro 1

Proteus was one of the Exiles’ most deadly foes. He lead a path of destruction across the multiverse before finally finding a body that could sustain him… the body of Exile, Morph. Brainwashed into believing himself to be the true Morph, Proteus has fought alongside the Exiles side for some time…but every so often, hints of his true self… slip through. Not too much… an angry look here, a brutal beating there. Now, finally, the moment fans have been dreading has truly come… Proteus has returned!

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