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© Marvel (US)

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[VO] Our Lady of Slaughter
ScénarioPak Greg | Van Lente Fred
DessinBrown Reilly | Howard Zach
EncreurPallot Terry | Howard Zach
CouleursStaples Val
CouverturePagulayan Carlo | Paz Michael Jason | Steigerwald Peter
Date21 septembre 2010
EditeurMarvel (US)
SérieHeroic Age : Prince of Power, numéro 3
autres tomes1 | 2 | 3 | 4

It's a race against time -- and eternity! -- as the Mighty Thor and Amadeus Cho try to beat the nefarious PANTHEON to all the pieces of The Ultimate Boon! The next stop on their mythological mystery tour is the realm of the ancient Egyptian gods -- and a no holds barred slugfest with SEKHMET, Goddess of Destruction! But once the sand settles, will the Prince of Power continue to side with the God of Thunder -- or with humanity? Join the New York Time Bestselling authors of INCREDIBLE HERCULES as they continue the tale of Herc’s former protégé!

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