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© Marvel (US)

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[VO] Cable : King-Size Spectacular - The Wolf Pit
ScénarioSwierczynski Duane
DessinLashley Ken
EncreurNeary Paul
CouleursD'Armata Frank
CouvertureLashley Ken
Date10 novembre 2008
EditeurMarvel (US)
SérieOne-shot !

If you’ve missed Cable so far, this giant-sized, self-contained one-shot is the perfect chance to hop into the timestream and catch up with the story that blasted right out of the pages of “Messiah CompleX” !
If you think it’s tough being Cable, hopping through time with a bawling kid strapped to your chest, try stepping into Bishop’s shoes for a while. Yeah, you’re a tough, smart cop, and you’re no stranger to tracking time-traveling perps, but Cable is a new kind of quarry. Not only is he an X-Man who’s very familiar with the future, he’s also a highly-trained soldier who knows how to cover his tracks and leave dozens of down-and-dirty traps in his wake. For you, the stakes have never been higher. Every second that baby is alive means you’re one second closer to your greatest nightmare. One you swore you’d prevent…

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