| Yesterday and today! - Spider-Man & Tigra, Yesterday and today! (Marvel Team-Up #125) [Récit complet], DeMatteis John Marc (S), Gammill Kerry (D), Esposito Michael (E), Sharen Bob (C) | | The obligation! - Hulk & Spider-Man, A firm offer! (Marvel Team-Up #126) [Récit complet], Shooter Jim (S), Takenaka Tomoyuki (DE), Sharen Bob (C) | | Small miracles (Marvel Team-Up #127) [Récit complet], DeMatteis John Marc (S), Gammill Kerry (D), Esposito Michael (E), Oliver-Wein Glynis (C) | | Sweet temptation! (Marvel Team-Up #128) [Récit complet], DeMatteis John Marc (S), Gammill Kerry (D), Esposito Michael (E), Oliver-Wein Glynis (C) | | ...And much to ponder before the dawn... (Marvel Team-Up #129) [Récit complet], DeMatteis John Marc (S), Gammill Kerry (D), Esposito Michael (E), Sharen Bob (C) | | Till death do us part! (Marvel Team-Up #130) [Récit complet], DeMatteis John Marc (S), Buscema Sal (D), Esposito Michael (E), Sharen Bob (C) | | Best things in life are free... but everything else costs money! (Marvel Team-Up #131) [Récit complet], DeMatteis John Marc (S), Gammill Kerry (D), Esposito Michael (E), Sharen Bob (C) | | The common denominator! (Marvel Team-Up #132) [Récit complet], DeMatteis John Marc (S), Buscema Sal (D), Esposito Michael (E), Sharen Bob (C) | | The world according to... Faustus! (Marvel Team-Up #133) [Récit complet], DeMatteis John Marc (S), Buscema Sal (D), Esposito Michael (E), Sharen Bob (C) | | The boy's night out! (Marvel Team-Up #134) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Frenz Ron (D), Esposito Michael (E), Roussos George (C) | | Down deep in darkness! (Marvel Team-Up #135) [Récit complet], Claremont Chris (S), Mantlo Bill (S), Frenz Ron (D), Esposito Michael (E), Roussos George (C) | | Webs (Marvel Team-Up #136) [Récit complet], Michelinie David (S), Frenz Ron (D), Esposito Michael (E), Roussos George (C) | | The hunters and the hunted! (Marvel Team-Up Annual #6) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Frenz Ron (D), Dzuban Kevin (E), Sharen Bob (C) | D : Dessin S : Scénario E : Encreur C : Couleurs Retrouvez Spider-Man en duo avec la Vision, Kitty Pryde ou encore Captain America ! De nombreux épisodes publiés pour la première fois en France.
Autre(s) publication(s): A firm offer! (Marvel Team-Up #126) | | The obligation! - Hulk & Spider-Man dans Titans (Titans #58) |
| Small miracles (Marvel Team-Up #127) | | ...And much to ponder before the dawn... (Marvel Team-Up #129) | | Till death do us part! (Marvel Team-Up #130) | | Best things in life are free... but everything else costs money! (Marvel Team-Up #131) | | Les meilleures choses de la vie sont gratuites... mais le reste coûte cher ! dans Special Strange (Special Strange #48) |
| Down deep in darkness! (Marvel Team-Up #135) | | Baby-sitting ! dans Strange (Strange #207) |
| The hunters and the hunted! (Marvel Team-Up Annual #6) | |