| Day of thunder-- night of death! (The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #133) [Récit complet], Thomas Roy (S), Trimpe Herb (D), Severin John (E) | | Among us walks... the Golem (The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #134) [Récit complet], Thomas Roy (S), Trimpe Herb (D), Buscema Sal (E) | | The Woman She Was...! (The Defenders #20) [Récit complet], Gerber Steve (S), Buscema Sal (D), Colletta Vince (E), Goldberg Petra (C) | | Descent into the time-storm! (The Incredible Hulk (v.III) #135) [Récit complet], Thomas Roy (S), Trimpe Herb (D), Buscema Sal (E) | | Gold Diggers of Fear! (The Defenders #30) [Récit complet], Mantlo Bill (S), Grainger Sam (D), Abel Jack (E), Roussos George (C) | D : Dessin S : Scénario E : Encreur C : Couleurs Autre(s) publication(s): The Woman She Was...! (The Defenders #20) | | dans 1975 (The Defenders - L'intégrale #4) |
| Gold Diggers of Fear! (The Defenders #30) | | dans 1975 (The Defenders - L'intégrale #4) |